Tired of you (pt.2)

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I turn away and walk out my door. The bright light hurt my eyes, so I shielded my eyes and ran straight forward, not knowing what I could run into. Suddenly...


"Oh! Hey man! Are you okay?" 

Felix. Dammit. 

I stand up quickly and run away. Felix had yelled something, but it was drained out by the sound of the wind rushing by as I run away. I glace to the right, Margaret and Melody had been sitting at the picnic tables. It seemed as if they had been waiting for me.

I felt a surge of confusion and fear. I had exploded at them yesterday....Well...not them...but Claus. The two's faces seemed to merge into confusion as I glance down at my hands. They were suddenly being corrupted by a black substance. And, from the looks on their faces, it seemed as if it wasn't just my hands. 

I retreat quickly into the forest, where Melody had played her harp many times before. I begin to release the built up air in my lungs, causing a sound of wheezing. I check my surroundings quickly before sitting down near a tree. I quickly wipe my face on my arm to check for the black substance. There was none, which was good, but the substance seemed to be crawling from my hands to my wrists. I go into a panic, wiping my hands on the grass quickly and fearfully. It took off some of the substance from my palms and tip of my fingers, yet the substance came right back on immediately. I sigh, and stand up to take a shortcut to my house. Though, it had me going through a rigid path behind the barn, and going through the back door of my house. I take a short walk across the path, before moving some branches to go behind the barn. The dirt below was squishy, and somewhat abandoned. The overgrown tree branches could inpail you if you weren't careful enough. Yet, the thing that caught my eye was the moss covered back of the barn. It was a very light red, and seemed very worn out. Of course, you'd think the barn would've gotten repainted sense it was built, yet, Me and my friends were too lazy to go behind the barn and fix it up. I place my hand on the moss covered barn, and sigh. I then turn my head and continue to walk carefully on the path. I reached my house's back door soon later. I unlock the door and open it. The house was completely dark as it was when I left it. 

As I stepped in, I immediately almost stepped on the broken glass laying on the floor. I look down at the mess, with the torn photo, broken glass, and laying axe. I grab the axe and slam the door behind me. I click the lights on and walk towards my front door. There was a piece of mail on the floor around it. I bend down and grab the mail, before tearing the top off and grabbing the letter inside. At the top, it read....

"From Claus"


I AM BACK! I hope you enjoy this continuation, because I'm sure your tired of the ship story already, so I'm gonna try doing new things! If you like this, please tell me :) and remember, I take requests, so if you want anything in particular, let me know :) 


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