Artificial Countryhuman Part 2

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3 weeks later ...

"This is an outrage!"  China roared.

"How could the humans do this to us, after everything we've done for them?" Canada asked.

"They should be punished, we can't let them get away with this," UK demanded.

"SILENCE!" UN shouted, flaring out his wings to bring everyone to attention.

The large meeting room fell silent as all the countryhumans gathered there ceased arguing and returned to their seats, UN returning to his once everyone else did.  After the Mandarian's reported to him about the raid on a secret facility and what they discovered in it, UN called all the major world powers and any other country that could come to his headquarters in New York, those who were not able to make it tuned in virtually, this was not a meeting to miss if you're a countryhuman.

UN and his fellow Full-Time entities sat at the head of the room while the countries sat at tables around the perimeter of the room, any militant or special entities they brought with them simply stood against the walls.  The countries were grouped at tables that represented the continents; North America, Aisa, South America, Africa, and Europe; Australia was allowed to sit with his brothers at the North American table, per his request, and Antarctica was one of the countries video calling.

Once everyone was back in their seats and calmed down, for the time being, UN said calmly, "Now, if I may, let us start over and continue this meeting professionally, alright," he waited for the entities to nod or say yes before continuing, "good.  Now, before our little interruption, I was going to play the news story that Mandara had provided for us to bring everyone up to speed, so please remain silent until it ends, at which time we will discuss it, professionally."

UN picked up a remote and pressed a button, the windows were covered by automatic shades and a projector film rolled down on the other end of the room, everyone turned their attention to it as a clip of a Mandarian news station started playing.

There were two news anchors, a man and a woman, the anchorwoman reported first:

"Breaking News; a secret facility in the middle of a national park; the name of which we will not share to discourage the public from trespassing an active investigation scene, had been raided by the PSF under the suspicion of illegal activity, though our scores say what was found there was much worse."

"Indeed," the anchorman added, "Jeramy Norman, CEO of GenCon, a prominent genetic research company created to study genetic-based diseases, was arrested for trying to create an advanced race of countryhuman hybrids with the hopes of overthrowing the real ones.  While Norman was unwilling to give any comments, interviews with both PSF agents and workers from the facility report that he was successful, an experiment dubbed 'Subject 6801' was reported to have been removed from the facility by Director Poldara and General Mandara Army."

"Neither the Director nor the General has come forth to confirm or deny these rumors, Mr. Mandara too refused to comment, however, there were several photos recovered that show Director Poldara leaving the facility holding, something-"

A picture popped up on the screen, it was of Poldara covering something up with his wings, though pink, purple, and blue feathers could be seen striking out of his.  The Poldara present in the room shifted uncomfortably, his wings were in the same position of hiding something as in the photo, though this time he was also holding a large fluffy blanket along with something that it was covering up.  He looked to MA standing next to him with worry, the militant smiled and rubbed his wing against his nephew's in reassurance, then they both were brought to attention when the video ended and the shades were rolled back up, signaling the end of the clip.

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