The Last Roleplay pt 8

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M:   "I'm trusting you with sensitive information Iremacht, do not make me regret it," Poldara said, when the line went dead he hung up too, rubbing his face in exasperation.

"Well," a familiar voice said, "what did he say?"

Poldara glared at his cousin, "he said he'll take his people out of Belarus, but you infiltrating his bases isn't helping anyone."

"It's helped me out plenty," Zalia scoffed, "I know things that he's not telling you, the real reason why he wants those files. For now, I will respect his decision to keep it a secret, I'm sure in due time he'll let you know."

"How comforting," the special entity sighed, "you criminals always stick together, don't you. I don't have time for all of this, Pops wants my help in salvaging anything we can from his facility that your friend blew up. I'll need you to look after Adira while I do that, oh, and are you free next week, Machty and I are having our monthly lunch together."

"Actually I don't think I can," Zalia informed him, "China invited me to a business lunch that day too, guess you'll just have to let Machty finally meet your daughter."


Prudoria smiled proudly as he got off TU, "thank you, I've learned that you can't play by the rules if you want to win, the humans were very adamant about that."

He helped TU up and they both headed to the infirmary. On the way there, they passed a window that had a robin sitting in a tree, it flew away as they passed but Prudoria followed it with his eyes.

"Have you ever wondered what it would be like to fly," he asked, "I've dreamt about it for as long as I can remember, why do I have wings if I don't know how to fly?"

L:   "You don't know HOW to fly?" TU exclaimed. He waved at Prudoria's wings. "I thought you just COULDN'T fly right now. The humans never let you fly?" He shook his head in disbelief. "Seems kinda pointless of them to create a King Wing who can't fly."

They arrived at the infirmary and the nurses wrapped up their scrapes and scratches. TU tapped his chin in thought as they left the infirmary for the kitchen.

"You know, we technically have 'friends' with wings who can teach you how to fly," he said. "But sometimes ... eh, well, sometimes we don't know if they can be trusted. Depends on Iremacht's relationship with them at the moment. We'll have to ask him when he gets back."

Schwitzy had the table loaded with food when they arrived and was finishing her second cup of coffee. She watched them from over the rim of the mug, silently asking how things went.

M:   "I would like that," Prudoria smiled, "I also don't know why they wouldn't let me fly yet, it was probably because they were afraid I would try to escape sooner, they probably wanted to have better control over me before I would be allowed to learn."

 When the two arrived at the dining room and Prudoria saw Schwitzy he scowled at her, he wasn't going to let her scare him anymore and made sure she knew that.

"You should have stuck around Schwitzy, I just handed TU his ass while dueling," he eventually said, trying to be a little friendlier, "I tricked him into thinking we concluded a draw then attacked him while he had his back turned. I must say that I'm quite proud I was able to pull that off, I would have thought he would not be fooled by such things since he's a criminal, right buddy?"

L:   "So you used cheap tricks," said Schwitzy evenly, before TU could answer. "Then you didn't win. You haven't proved anything besides you know how to cheat like a coward."

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