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🔅3rd Person🔅

"Hey, my I order for you too?", the chic young man asked. A slightly smaller one with longish hair just nodded. "Okay, then", he smiled and tugged the latter's hand inside the pocked of his own coat. Together they entered a cozy looking café and stayed infront of the menu for a short while. The tallers beautiful eyes were scanning all of the beverages names, before he, more or less, decided on two and went to the counter.

Behind the counter that holded a display of various kinds of pastries stood another young man with short, blond dyed hair and a few tattoos along his shoulder and arm that could be seen because of his white dress shirt. On his apron, there was a name tag stuck onto the brownish fabric. Specific name tag showed a quite unusual name: Ten.

But that didn't matter, because the two have known each other for a long time now. "Ay, my two favourite humans decided two pay my wonderful café a visit again! How is everything going, Dejun?", the barista asked whit euphoria coating his loud voice. With a wide grin spread across his face, Xiaojun answered: "Pretty decent, I guess. Just the usual ups and downs of life."

"I see..." Ten was in deep thought for some time, before starting over. "So, what can I get you today?" "I'm not quiet sure yet, but either two hot chocolates or one macchiato and a latte. What's in discount?" As always, the barista simply winked, pointed his index at him, mumbled his ordinary "Gotcha" and disappeared behind the huge silver coffee machine.

"Tell me, how's Yangyang doing. Haven't seen him in university today?" Dejun was leaning on the countertop und played with a black pen from the huge jar of pens. Maybe he would just take that one home, he doesn't have that many good ones for his studies anyway and, additionally, Ten wouldn't be mad if he 'borrowed' one. "Is that so?", the young barista seemed surprised.

"Yeah, I thought you might know something since he's your flat mate?", the brown haired boy shrugged. It was quite obvious that Ten did know something, but he wasn't going to give away that information just yet. "Actually, I don't know how he's doing at the moment." A mischievous grin appeared on his face, whilst the other just groaned impatiently.

"Can't you just tell him, please, Ten? His patience in extremely short this week." Hendery decided to join the two because of two reasons. One, because it took the other way to long to come back with their drinks and two, he wanted to meet their friend too. Well, and also, because he really liked nagging Xiaojun and overheard their conversation about their University friend.

"There you are! Good afternoon, my lovely friend and Dejun's long awaited saviour, what an honour it is to get blessed with your angelic presence!", Ten said, bowing like he's standing in front of some sort of member of royalty. To say, it was hard for Kunhang to not burst out in an ultimate laughter, was definitely an understatement. Let's say, you could almost see him dying because of suppressing the urge so bad.

He needed some time before finally mumbling "My pleasure" before he dropped an elegant curtsy. "Please safe me...", Xiaojun whined , "I just wanted to now how our dear friend is doing and not see you two being all flirty and stuff right in front of my salat!" "Yeah...whatever. Calm your tiddies, bro. Then I might be delighted to give you specific information", Ten answered, rolling his eyes at the annoying one.

While Dejun was busy doing breathing exercises to 'calm his tiddies', Hendery gladly took the two cups of coffee from Ten that he just finished making. Then, he went to their table and giggled about his friends weird behaviour. Talking about weird stuff, the young man avoided every wooden plank that was too dark. Therefore, his walking seemed a bit off due to him wiggling around specific planks. Obviously, the other two noticed.

"Yangyang slept in and was too lazy to get up. He told me he'd rather not go to university leaving out his cuddling session with our cat", the barista finally gave in and told Dejun who only rolled his eyes ,"But now you tell me, how's he today?" The confusion of who Ten meant didn't last log, because he nodded in Henderys direction.

Sighing, the taller plopped down on one of the few stools in font of the counter and let his head sink into his palms. "He has good day today. Not the best, but it's fine." "You don't sound that sure about that, is everything alright?", Ten requested more precise answer, after all he was quite concerned. "I wish it was. I dunno. He is better some days, but other days the good feelings seem to backfire and make that bad ones worse." Xiaojun wasn't in the mood to elaborate more.

Maybe it was for the better, because this way he got an even better discount from Ten. Well, he really wished he didn't need to pay less, but their friend wanted to make their week better and he was thankful for that. Eventually, Dejun decided to go back to Kunhang. He bid Ten goodbye, hung his coat on one of the wardrobes hangers and sat next next to Hendery.

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