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🔅3rd Person: Hendery🔅

End to start? How'd you feel, when the only person you trust doesn't know how to help you anymore and seeks help from someone with another perspective? He wasn't even angry at Dejun for doing so. The mere thought of him being the only to care so much that he tried to work everything out on his own while managing a decent student's life, made the younger feel warm inside.

"Is it okay for you to...", Xiaojun was struggling to finde the right words, "Would you try one last time?" The pleading look he had on his face seemed to be almost desperate. Was it almost or already? Arms protectively around his knees and hidden inside the farthest, darkest corner of his room there was the frightened human being. He was so terrified of moving, touching, thinking, speaking and even breathing that his life certainly was on edge.

Xiaojun did his best to compose himself, to keep his calm and to not loose control over his overwhelming emotions. He was breathing way to often and way to deep, Kunhang noticed from afar. This was such an unusual but usual setting for the both of them. "Please...", his voice was so quiet, not even a whisper anymore. A hopeless case or was there a slight change in the depressing atmosphere?

Slowly but surely, a trembling thumb was held up. "I...", the hollow voice broke from the little usage, "I'll... try..." There was no overly happy screaming or enthusiastic jumping. Only one single tear full of pain and devastation rolled down the taller cheeks. Was that the much needed step back into life? Was it out of his own will or just to soothe Dejun's worry? Either way, a choice that might safe his life...

In life you sometimes need to sacrifice your own life to make another ones a little more bearable. And other times, the other realises that their life could continue if they seek professional help.

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