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🔅3rd Person🔅

None. He had none. Not a single thought. He felt at peace for the first time since his mind had started to become messy.

Now you might be wondering: How is that possible? That's a very interesting question, actually kind of funny as well. And why is that? Probably because the method that saved this young mans life was far more simple than you expect. So, is this some sort of guessing game? Maybe. It's the same thing that his new therapist did, when he first saw him. He was guessing.

The new therapist had a very high degree in psychology and was well known around the area they were living in. It had taken a lot of convincing to finally get Hendery out of his room, inside the car and to the institution for psychological disorders and illnesses. At least he had been able to walk most of the way, otherwise they wouldn't have made it on time. Even the greyish staircase hadn't been that much of an obstacle.

But it had taken them both a few tries to enter the office. The problem had not been some defect of the door, it had been Kunhang's hand that had been shaking so much that Dejun had to guide him by taking his wrist carefully and holding it in place. It was Hendery's job to get inside that room and talk to the new specialist. Alone, to be more specific. And he did.

The start of their conversation had been a little awkward. And by a little I mean very. But, after the first few obstacles were brought down, Hendery had opened up. He had told the doctor about the harmless thoughts after the first week of seeing him. About the trickier ones after the second week. But the really painful thoughts, he had kept to himself for a year.

His psychiatrist had tried many different methods with him, even some weird yoga poses that we're supposed to "clear ones mind from any thoughts". It had worked as long he had to concentrate enough to not fall down. But how should somebody help him if he didn't tell the whole truth about his thoughts? That there had been thoughts that were extremely harmful for his health?

They had been visiting the institution at least three times a week. Dejun had been allowed to sit on a very comfortable blue armchair after two months of treatment, because Kunhang requested his friends presence. It had seemed like that made him less nervous. So, whilst the older had been reading different kinds of magazines in his comfortable armchair corner, the other had been talking, drawing and reciting.

The journey wasn't easy, they still visited once in a while. But only to keep track of his progress with the new medication and the other, pretty unconventional, treatment for which he was the first candidate to try. This specific unconventional treatment consisted of one CD, a small radio to play the CD and a pair of Noise-cancelling headphone.

And how should something simple like that help someone with such a bad condition? Well, the CD contained a seven hour white-noise sound. Every time Hendery needed to relax from his mind, he played this sound on his headphones and found inner peace. Nobody knows how something so simple could help him, but it did. The sound and the company and support of Xiaojun.

Sometimes we don't need to fight on our own. There will be someone to guide us, even if we don't know them yet.

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