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🔅3rd Person🔅

Today was a beautiful day. Well, at least it started incredibly good. In university they met Yangyang again who decided it was a great day to attend his classes and even brought each of his friends two large cookies. As expected, their lecturer came a little too late and gave them an opportunity to chitchat for a while. The youngest had a chance to explain his absence very, very detailed, but only got a slap on the back of his head in return.

"I hope you've got a plausible explanation for your so called 'cuddle session' with your cat", Professor Moon who had overheard quite a bit of their conversation asked. Yangyang simply grinned of course: "I do! Professor Moon, have you ever woken up in the morning and felt like going out was a waste of time? Because I had that feeling yesterday and how was I supposed to win against my own brain?"

"I'll ask your flat mate to wake you up with a bucket of iced water next time, thank me later. But to answer your question, yes, I do have those days, but I need to make money. Therefore I get up every morning, even though I am already late. So you'd better be ready to present your assignment, otherwise I have to report your absence", Mr. Moon responded while packing out his things.

Gladly, the youngest had taken the opportunity of his free day to work on his presentation, while cuddling with his cat of course. On this account, he was able to recite how cell division works and performed the topic without any mistakes. Obviously, he had full attention from his friends and even Professor Moon seemed to be content with his work.

After receiving loud knocking on the desks, he went back to his seat and brushed the imaginary dust off his shoulders. "We get it, Mastermind", Hendery groaned , "You did fantastic, okay?" Yangyang grinned, copying the title from the board. "That's all I wanted to hear!" You could see how annoyed but secretly proud their were. It was the first time someone actually had their stuff done and not improvised.

The lecture went on without any interruptions or unexpected problems. Then the three decided on going to the cafeteria to grab something to fill their empty stomachs. Two were chatting with each other, discussing whether the glass is half full or half empty. One was silently tagging along, trying to think about something funny. It's needless to say that his attempt was useless, nothing ever helped.

Now they were passing the food and drink area, where they could choose something and later pay with their students card. Yangyang was to immersed in looking at all the different meals that he didn't know about what the other two were talking . Because Dejun noticed how the younger hasn't been conversing with them, he turned to Kunhang to ask him if he wanted something too. But soon his questioning expression was replaced by a very concerned one, as he saw the other on the verge of tears.

"I'm sorry, but I can't. Not today", Hendery whispered. The taller just nodded and closed his arms around the now slightly sobbing figure next to him. That was nothing new. Kunhang had a rare condition whereas his mind would play more or less horrifying tricks on him. Different images of him experiencing painful situations would flash through his head.

Most of the time, they were quite endurable. He would see himself trip, miss a few stairs and because of that avoided walking specific stairs or let Dejun carry him. But there were some times, when he would see himself crouched down and vomiting, because he was about to eat or drink specific stuff. Or the young man would find himself being hung, shot or threatened by a person in his visions.

Normally, he avoided every single situation that would lead to any forseen occasion, but that was an absolute nightmare for his health. Because then, he would stop eating, drinking or moving for hours, days or even weeks. If he was lucky, he would only avoid a certain amount, but those 'lucky days' were getting less and less. The worst days were the ones, when he would lock himself in his room and stay in one corner for the rest of the day without moving a muscle even once.

They've been to doctors and psychologists, but they couldn't really help him. "It seems like this young man in suffering from an obsessive compulsive disorder and some sort of eating disorder, but symptom-wise, there is no condition that he would fit in completely, it's too rare. We can't help him, I apologise", they've said. And it was hard to handle his condition without knowing what he was suffering from.

"It's fine. I'm here and I won't force you", Dejun comforted him in a soothing voice. Did he have any other choice? Dragging the smaller into a huge panic attack wouldn't help anyone. "You think, you can handle the rest of the day and come with us?", he wanted to know, because he knew that sometimes that was also impossible. Hendery only shook his head, he was too tired to do much more.

"I'll call Sicheng then, maybe he can pick you up", Xiaojun suggested. This time a quiet sigh was heard. "Let me call, okay? You will miss your next lecture." No resistance, Hendery already had his phone on his ear and listend to the beeping sound. While he was busy expecting his call to be picked up, the other told Yangyang what happened and failed to keep his calm facade. That moment, Sicheng answered the phone:

"Hello, Kunhang? Is everything okay?"

"Not... really, could you come and pick me up?"

"What happened?! Are you hurt?! Is someone with you?!"

"My mind just..."

"Alright, don't worry. I'm on my way."


"No problem. Be outside in five!"

"I will, bye."

"See ya!"

"Is he coming?" Yangyang was the first to say something after the call ended. A short "Yup" answered the question and the other two were very glad to here that. Hendery wasn't that sure anymore if calling Sicheng was a good idea. The older was always very worried about him and overprotective, it made him feel like he was a burden. He thought, as a grown adult, he shouldn't be in need of relying on others, but life had different plans.

A few minutes passed by and their lecture had already begun. Yangyang and Xiaojun were sitting in their usual seats, Kunhang was standing in front of the campus and watched Sicheng pull up in the driveway of the university. He opened the drivers door, got out and engulfed the younger in a warm hug. "You okay now?", he asked, carefully leaning back a bit to look the other in the face. The answer was difficult. At the moment he would say yes, but he could feel something much more threatening coming.

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