catharina ultimate lipstick pt. i

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i'm sorry i dropped off the face of the earth
thanks for the reads guys ily
this is part one, part two will come out later today. :)

louis pov ~unedited~

"Don't leave me Harry," I mumbled, my head pressed up against his muscular, bare chest. "I promise I will never leave you my love," he vowed as he kissed my hair. I leaned my chin up to kiss him, our lips almost touching-


I groaned as I reached for my phone to turn off the alarm, not wanting to go to school today, or do anything for that matter. I was also pretty mad that I got woken up from my dream, right before Harry and I kissed. It mattered to me because it was the only good attention I would get from him, and it wasn't even real. After laying in bed for 5 extra minutes, contemplating why I still cared about school and life, I finally got up to take a shower. Mind you, I'm not one of those stereotypical gay guys that are always happy and sings Beyoncé all the time. Beyoncé time is later in the day b.itch. I stumbled into the shower, the steaming hot water hitting my back. I swear I cold fall asleep standing here under this beautiful heat source. I quickly washed myself before I got out, shivering in the normal temperature bathroom. I grabbed my fluffy, light pink towel and ran to my bedroom to get dressed. Because it was Friday and I really didn't give a motherf.uck, I wore high-waisted skinny jeans, a Disney princess shirt, and of course, my lipstick. I plugged in my pink blowdryer and quickly dried my hair, messily brushing it before rushing downstairs to eat breakfast. My mum was standing in the kitchen with her cup of coffee and smiled at me. She opened her arms for a hug and I quickly obliged. I have always been a mummy's boy.

"Have a good day at school love," she said as she moved away from the hug. She walked to the front room and grabbed her purse and slipped on her heels.

I wish I was a girl because I wouldn't be judged for wearing girl clothes. Girls don't get told to kill themselves because they wear pink lipstick.

I ate my cereal in complete silence, quietly munching on my Froot Loops. I sat on my couch, messing around with my phone until the bus came. I slipped on my custom pink vans and ran to the ugly, dirty bus. The people on the bus all stared at me, but I choose to avoid it today.

Another day, another way to see Harry.

this is part one and part two will come out later today so aND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING UR ALL AMAZING

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