real doll

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louis p.o.v ~unedited~

I was walking to my next class when I ran smack into Liam. S.hit, this feels like déjà vu. I stumbled a little bit while Liam acted like nothing touched him, d.amn those abs of steel. "Are you okay Lou," he quickly asked in a concerned voice.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." I was taken aback at him calling me Lou: the only people that ever do that is my mum or Misha.

He offered his hand to help me stand but I quickly denied by jumping to my feet. He retracted his hand and awkwardly scratched his neck with it, and I looked away.

"We have the same next class, do you mind if I walk with you," Liam asked. I gave him a small smile and nodded, I couldn't turn him away. I forgot we had two of the same classes together: maths and science. They weren't my strongest subjects so I rarely paid attention. I just doodled in my notebook.

We silently walked to class. Liam and I were probably a strange sight: two teenage boys being quiet in a rowdy high school hallway. We past Harry on the way to class, and I could feel his eyes staring at the back of my head. I knew he was watching.

We made it to class right behind the bell rang, the class filling in while the teacher walked to the front of the room. Mr. Hawkins was a very strict teacher and gave us assigned seats. In high school. Liam sat directly in front of me while I sat next to a guy named Michael who fell asleep during class a lot. Like always, Michael was running late and showed up a minute later, his blue head a blur as he ran to his seat. Well, tried to run to his seat. He tripped over his own foot and fell on the floor with an groan. The class laughed as Mr. Hawkins glared at Michael as he quickly stood up and rushed to his seat, running his fingers through his hair.

"Alright class, let's get started now that all of us are here now," Mr. Hawkins said as he pointedly stared at Michael, earning another laugh from the class.


After class was over, I shook Michael awake as I stood up, earning a groan from the odd boy. I laughed quietly as I walked out the door to my locker. The hallway was littered with prom posters and volunteers at flower stations to raise money for the school. Oh, the superficial side of high school. What a lovely sight. I was swerving around the loud jocks when I heard someone shout my name from behind me.

I turned around to see Liam panting, holding a slightly crushed pink carnation, the other hand trying to carry his books from math class.

"I know the past few weeks have been awkward between us, but I want to get past that. Will you go to prom with me?"

I was speechless. I was ninety-nine percent sure that I was going to spend prom at home on Netflix the whole night.

"Yes, I'll go with you," I accepted the flower and threw my arms around Liam, making him drop his books. I placed my head between his shoulder and next, making eye contact with Harry the whole time.

Michael will be the death of me I s2g

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