Chapter 10

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Zach POV

After I ran with James we finally got away and hid behind a tree. "So I'm guessing that your famous?" He said chuckling. "Yeah you could say that." "You know Zach, this was a fun date!" "D-date?!" I said while I blushed. "Oh I thought this was a date, did I get the wrong signal?" "I- um" "Well I thought this was a date since you used to have a crush on me back then." "Oh well you could call this a date I don't really mind." I said as I kept my head down. "You know you look cute when you blush." Oh god this was so embarrassing. I looked up and before I knew it James was kissing me. I closed my eyes and melted into the sweet kiss. A few minutes later we separated and blushed. "Well it's getting late and we should head back." "Y-yeah." I said while getting up. James took my hand as we went to his car. The car ride was silent but good silent. When we got back to my house I got out and thanked him and James gave me a kiss on the cheek and left. I blush as I walked into the house and saw that the whole squad (and Kat and Ace) sitting and watching a movie. "Hey Zach where were you?" Alex said as she paused the movie. "I- well I was just out to see an old friend." "Really a "friend"." Light said as he say me blush. "S-shut up light it's not like that!" "Really cause the way I see it is that you came in the house blushing and telling us you were seeing a friend?" He said smirking. "Guys calm down maybe it was just a friend and maybe he's not blushing at all cause it's freezing outside!" Sora said. "I bet you 20$ that it's not a friend!" Jaxx exclaim. "Are y'all really betting if  h-she's not a friend!" Thankfully nobody heard me almost said he as they were all was fighting if it was just a friend or not. "You can't tell me she's not a friend!" Kat said. "Kat let's not guess if-" "What if he went out with his "friend" and they I don't know, made out!" Levi said as everyone in the room went silent. "Wait were you on a date Zach?!" Charli said excited. "No- well kinda?" "OOH HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND!" Jade said as she yelled. "So who's the lucky lady?" Said Luca as he was smiling at me. "Her name is Jamie ok?!" I said not wanting them to find out it's a boy. "You know I have to talk with my brother Zach." Drake said as he got up and dragged me to a different room where everyone couldn't hear us. "Zach I know you better then anyone in there and when I saw you saying that you were on a date with a girl I know it's not a girl since you never blush a lot with a girl and I know you are bisexual so is it a boy? And it's okay if it's a boy I just wanna know cause I don't think you were with a girl." Drake said. "You know I can't lie to you brother, and yes it's a boy." "What's his name!" "Not you to!" "Come on Zach, you never been this happy before!" "Uh well you're gonna hate me for this..." "Who is it?!" "It's James.." "JAMES!" "Shut up you're being loud!" "I'm sorry Zach it's just, James." "Oh come on he's sweet he would never hurt me!" "He's a boy, and he was your bully since-" "look Drake I know he used to be my bully but he's just so-" "handsome, kind, caring?" "Come on Drake can you please stop making it weird." "Look Zach you can love whoever you want but it cannot be James." "He was sweet to me on our date!" "Oh so it was a date!" "What you said, you never saw me this happy before ever in my life and if you break me and James apart I will never be that happy again in my life!" "Fine but if he hurts you don't come crawling back to me." Drake said as we both left the room and saw everyone except Charli and Luca. "Where is Charli and Luca?" I said confused. "Oh they said they were gonna go to Charli room and talk!" Ace said. "You know I really should check up on them!" light said while getting up. "Light no don't interrupt Luca and Charli!" Alex said while grabbing light back down to the couch. "What if they're making out or something?!" Light said while trying to get out of Alex grip. "Light get your a-"

Charli POV

While Drake and Zach was talking in the other room Luca grab me by the arm and excuse ourself and he dragged me to my room. "Luca why did you dragged me to my room?" "Charli do you remember what we saw in Levi diary!" Luca exclaim. Then everything came back to me. "Oh shoot." "Wait but didn't he went out with Alex though?" "Yeah but can't you see jealousy in his voice when he was talking!" "I guess your right he did seem mad a bit..." "Look we need to make a plan about how to make Zach to like Levi." "But isn't that kinda wrong to make someone fall in love with them forcefully?" "Charli you know what Levi could do if he- you know..." "Fine I'm only doing this for you Luca." I said as me and Luca went out of my room and went downstairs. As we went to the living room we saw that Drake and Zach was there. "So about that girl-" "Let's just watch that movie y'all was just watching and forget about the whole thing okay!" Zach said as he went and sat down on the floor. Oh boy this is gonna be awkward.
Words: 1008

Woah that was a long one and sorry for not posting a lot. Anyways life is getting better slowly so I decided to make this chapter and I was going to make it earlier if I didn't get distracted but here you go another shitty chapter. Anyways have a great day/night/evening!

Levi x ZachOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant