Chapter 12: All is Lost

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Even when all is lost, maybe there is something right.

That's what we had been thought, yet all was wrong. The silence in the hallways was deafening. The blood on the floors and walls was bone-chilling. If we had just kept on moving forward, all would be well, is what we had thought.

So why?

Why had the tables been turned so abruptly? Why had things turned out this way?


All is lost.


Walking through these halls seems like a broken record at this point. I fear that we have all grown used to this. Blood on the floor's blood on the walls here and there a body or two. I have grown numb to the pain, to the fear, to the madness of this world. I fear that that's the only thing that truly terrifies me.

I can only ask when will this all end? Will it ever end? Or is this what the world has become now?

I fear that life; itself has always been this way. We just haven't noticed the changes until now.

The government has finally bailed on us. I've always told myself I wanted to be alone but now I fear if I ever was to, Yet trust is a hard thing to commit to; one truly has to let go; of the things that are holding us down. There is no freedom in this world not anymore. Although it's not the people holding you down it's the undead that has risen from the ground.

"Haruhi? What direction should we be going in? Should we continue towards the fields?" Hikaru asks her as he leaned against one of the few cleaner walls.

"No. It is far too dangerous now. We would be wide in the open, and with that dog running around, we would only get caught in the crossfire. We should figure up a new plan. Does anyone have any ideas?" She asks as she looks around the room. Everyone looking off, trying not to be spotted as they all thought.

"We should continue to head outside of the school. There is an exit on the side of the school. We just to get to the other side of the maze. It leads to the other end of the school. We should be able to get out from there." Kyoya exclaims as Haruhi looked towards him in surprise. Not knowing where everything is or leads in this school.

"There's an exit on the other side of the maze?" She asks herself.

As they all started heading in that direction, Renge perked up. Running to the front of the group, she stopped them in their tracks.

"Hold on. Wait a minute everyone. We are going to the maze right?" She stated everyone agreed with her statement right away. The twins perked up and looked at each other.

"That's exactly what has been stated Renge. What about it?" Hikaru says to her. Only for Haruhi and Kaoru to hit him. Making him nudge the two in annoyance.

"I'm just trying to say that we are below the Nurses office. On the other side of the school. Across from the grounds. So we are going to have to cross the grounds. Without getting caught by that dog in hopes of getting to a maze. Who knows how many undead are inside of it. Should we be doing this on a whim? Is there any place we can go to that we know is safer?" She states as she looked around at the group. Knowing that everyone saw the problem with their plan.

"Your right Renge. Yet there is no place safer, and that's the closest exit. It seems we have no other choice if we want to get out of here as soon as possible. If we head towards the front exit, there's most likely going to be hundreds of them." Ritsu says to her as she looked at the floor worried. Tetsuya then walks up to her and hugs her.

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