Chapter 6: She Matters

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Haruhi Fujioka.

After the spread of zombies invading Japan: Destroying lives and causing panic within the cities. Things just haven't been the same. For obvious reasons, a whole zombie apocalypse lived outside their doors. Yet there's even more to that.

Haruhi was always a put-together girl, Having everything planned and ready to go. Always having everything done in time, no, it was earlier than that. She was okay with that, happy in fact. Yet something; has changed within her mind. Ever since Haruhi, gained; slight PTSD, and who knows what else.

Her trust in the Hosts was faltering, Yet she gained more; trust in people; she barely knew. She now questioned if the Hosts truly cared about her or not, Making small notes of the terrible things they said or did. A pang of sadness hit her deeply, It piercing her in the heart. So far, they have only hurt her and haven't even tried to save her.

Her trust in them kept breaking. Until it was just shattered pieces, Were the memories that they made together just pointless? She didn't know anymore. Yet, there was one question that weighed on her mind.

Will she stay with them or leave?

-To the story-

The sound of Haruhi's sobs echoed throughout the room. Ritsu and Tetsuya, holding her as she cried. Her tears soaking Ritsu's short yet, he didn't care.

The Host's stood by the door; in shock as they watched her. A pang of regret and guilt hitting them like a train. Tamaki watched with his mouth wide open. Him trying to conjure up words to say. Yet there were none. His mind just came up empty-handed; Honey quickly runs over to them in tears. Kaoru, also running alongside him.

"Haru-chan! Please don't cry! It's okay; we are right here. You can hold Usa-chan! He'll make you feel better!" Honey panics as he jumped onto the group. Kaoru; quickly joining in the hug agreeing with Honey.

"It's going to be okay. We are all in this together. We're sorry." Kaoru says while he held her tight in his arms.

Haruhi nods her head cutesy as she wiped away her tears. Mori, coming over and helping, patting her head in comfort. Kyoya, Tamaki, and Hikaru stood to the side, not knowing what to do. Yet, she didn't care as she gave them a kind smile either way.

"You know it has always been just us, Haruhi. Yet when you stumbled into our lives. You've changed our lives for the better. We've done so many terrible things to you in the past and even now. We are all so sorry, and we hope that you will forgive us. We don't want to lose you. You are our world." Hikaru says with his face as red as a tomato. Him scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"Haruhi. I never meant to hurt or make you cry. I'm so sorry. I don't even know what came over me. I feel so different, so off, so weird. I can't even explain it. I don't know if you'll ever forgive me. Yet, I want you to know that I am deeply sorry for what I have done. From now, on I will fight alongside you." Tamaki said with determination before looking towards the floor. Haruhi, smiling and patting his head with a tiny giggle.

"Yeah, we're a team, Haru-chan!" Honey exclaimed while jumping upwards. Mori, catching him in his arms while nodding in agreement.

"Thanks, guys!" Haruhi says with a small smile on her face. Her trust in everyone; finally growing again. She had faith in them.

Haruhi then gets off the floor. Them all going into a big group hug. This time it all felt different. All of them felt closer to each other than ever before. They were family.

"So it's clear in here now. We should take advantage of the situation." Ritsu says to them and slowly starts walking away to the kitchen.

The group immediately agrees with him as they headed that way. Haruhi, watching him as he left the room before following. That's when Hikaru walked up to Haruhi and whispered something in her ear. Her flushing red; immediately as she tried hitting him, Only making him laugh at her embarrassment. The group watching them in confusion. Hikaru ran over to them in a rush as she left him.

"What did you say to her, Hikaru?" Kaoru asks him in confusion. The Host's leaning in for an answer. Hikaru only smirked in reply while walking away.

"You'll find out one day." He calls back to them.

The Hosts watched Hikaru in confusion and somewhat in annoyance. Them all, curious as to what he said to the poor girl. Yet Haruhi was grateful he kept quiet, Not wanting to be teased any more than she already was.

'Hikaru? How did you know?'

Ritsu and Tetsuya walked beside the blushing girl. Both of them; silently asking each other if they knew what happened. Yet neither go the answer to the question.

Haruhi, on the other hand, couldn't stop her fast-beating heart. Knowing; that Hikaru knew her secret. The one she kept for months now. It was terrifying. After all, he and his brother were known as the devil twins.

'Will he continue to be quiet about it?'

-In the Kitchen-

"So let's get started, shall we?" Tamaki says while he started gathering stuff they would need.

"Yes, Boss!" The twins yelled while saluting, making Haruhi laugh.

Haruhi, walking over and helping them pack up stuff. Kyoya, writing and keeping track of all the supplies in his book, Making small notes in his head the things they needed. Mori and Honey helped put everything into bags so they can carry it. The twins, rushing around the kitchen grabbing anything and everything they deemed; useful.

In the end, Kyoya gave them a list of what they all had. Kyoya and Haruhi, telling the group of stuff that they still needed. Them all listening to the two of them, Ritsu and Tetsuya, smiling in relief at the new change. It was all different, An magnificent difference.

"So we need to go to the Nurse's office?" Kaoru says in question, Nodding their heads in agreement.

"Yeah, we can get all our medical supplies there. Besides, it's close to here the cafeteria."

They all nodded in agreement, thinking about it. Everyone decides to have a small break before anyone left. Drinking water and eating a small snack, Building up some much-needed energy, Laughing, and making light of things. For a small moment, it felt like nothing changed within the world and.

That Haruhi mattered.

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