Chapter 1

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*The waters around Hawaii

*Third Person POV

Around the waters near Hawaii, Evan and his fleet were sinking production ships as part of their naval exercise. Now they're about to deliver the final blow to the 'enemy' flagship

"Final Salvo requested." Veneto asked Evan for permission to deal the final blow

"Final Salvo approved. Explosively suppress it!" Evan gave approval to his Vittorio Veneto to use an attack called Final Salvo aboard his USS Nimitz

"Roger!" Veneto replied before aiming her guns at the 'enemy' flagship. "Target lock! Final salvo fire!" Veneto exclaimed before firing her guns at the 'enemy' flagship, sinking it

"You did it, Veneto!" maestrale rushed over to Veneto to congratulate her as the rest of Evan's fleet joined in to the do the same thing as well

"Mission Clear!" Evan concluded the exercise aboard his USS Nimitz as he watched his shipgirls congratulating Veneto in the bridge


*Evan/My POV

My fleet and I reached Naval Station Pearl Harbor where we docked our ships. After that, my shipgirls gather on the flight deck of the USS Nimitz for a photo taking session

"I'm here everyone!" I exclaimed as I ran towards the group with my Jet Calibur in my hands

"One two three go!" The photographer counted down before taking a picture of me and my shipgirls aboard the flight deck of the USS Nimitz. "one more time, one two three." the photographer said before counting down again and taking another former photo of me and my shipgirls. "Okay now for a fun photo." the photographer said and we immediately rushed to different positions. I went to the front and middle of my shipgirls and held near the tip of the blade of my Jet Calibur with the hilt facing up on my left hand before flashing four fingers with my right hand

"One two three." the photographer counted down before taking a fun photo of us "you'll get these photos in a few days time." the photographer said before leaving. after the photographer left, i looked up at the sky

"Royston, you might have taken Shinano's life. but that won't stop my Reminiscence of the Sea from burning." I said as I looked up at the sky

*somewhere in Gamindustri

*Third Person POV

"Reminiscence of the Sea eh? Not that I'm impressed of my baka or anything." somewhere in Gamindustri, a certain twin tailed tsundere goddess remarked as she watched Evan and his shipgirls celebrate aboard Evan's USS Nimitz

"Does the loner have a crush now?" a certain infamous fourth wall breaking goddess suddenly appeared beside the tsundere goddess

"Neptune! When did you get here? and why are you here?" the tsundere goddess asked in surprise

"Just checking out what my loner friend is doing." Neptune replied

"I'm not a loner and I'm doing nothing!" the tsundere goddess replied

"Royston, you might have taken Shinano's life. but that won't stop my Reminiscence of the Sea from burning." Evan's message to Royston broadcasted through the tsundere goddess's phone

"That's my baka! show that creep Royston that you won't back down without a fight!" the tsundere goddess mumbled

"Nothing? doesn't look like it and what are you mumbling about?" Neptune asked

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