Chapter 2

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*Officer's Building - Naval Station Pearl Harbor

*Kenneth POV

I watched as Evan left through the exit of the Officer's Building

Jabir: What's wrong with Evan?

Mashkur: I don't know

Kenneth: ...


*Evan POV

That night, I contacted Elincia via the tome that I made last time that enables me to communicate through different dimensions whenever I'm not in Askr anymore by writing on it

Evan (tome): Elincia. Is Askr under attack right now?

Elincia (tome): To be honest, there are some small scale attacks on Askr so far but we're able to hold them off. Why are you asking Lord Evan?

Evan (tome): There are some soldiers from some kingdom that attacked during a naval exercise in my world

Elincia (tome): Oh dear

Evan (tome): Yeah. I'm planning on coming to Askr to investigate what's going on

Elincia (tome): Alright Lord Evan. I'll be expecting you

I closed the tome and left my USS Nimitz where Veneto is waiting for me

Evan: I'm done contacting Askr. Let's have some tea

Veneto: Alright Signore Evan

???: Not so fast Fleet Admiral Evan Siegfried

Someone jumped from above and landed in front of us

Evan: !!!

That someone revealed himself as Admiral Kenneth, the Captain of Task Force Zero Fire and my superior officer

Kenneth: You have some explaining to do on what this Askr is

Admiral Kenneth told me and I gasped in surprise

Evan: Askr? What is that?

Kenneth: Don't play dumb with me, Fleet Admiral Evan Siegfried. i heard you saying that you contacting this Askr upon leaving your ship when i secretly followed you

Evan (thoughts): I'm caught now

Kenneth: Don't worry, you're not in trouble or anything. I just want to know what's going on.

Realizing that I'm caught, I took a deep breath

Evan: Alright you got me sir. I know what's going on and where those soldiers came from

I took a deep breath before starting my story

Evan (thoughts): This is going to be a long explanation isn't it

Evan: I guess it time for you to know about my secrets sir


After explaining everything Admiral Kenneth, he was in shock

Kenneth: I see. those soldiers came from this medieval world where Kingdoms are a thing

Evan: Yes sir

Kenneth: And you're the summoner of this Kingdom of Askr

Evan: Yes sir

Admiral Kenneth just stared at me for a few moments before speaking again

Kenneth: Sorry. This is a lot to take in

Veneto: Right now, Signore Evan is planning on going back to Askr to investigate what's going on

Admiral Kenneth looked at us for a few moments before speaking

Kenneth: Alright. On one condition


*Elincia POV

Elincia: Lysithea, tell Lord Alfonse and the others that Evan is coming back soon

I instructed Lysithea who is beside me to relay the message from Lord Evan

Lysithea: on it

Lysithea wore her hat and dashed out of my quarters, her black and purple dress trailing behind her

Evan: Guess what's back after a year of hiatus. I decided to continue this series after I managed to break free of my laziness and my "addiction" to Naval Fleet to Remnant. What is Admiral Kenneth's condition? Black and purple dress Lysithea, Is this Brave Lysithea? Find out in the next chapters. Also, elements from my recent works will be added in. That means Big 1, Gear and Noire will appear or at the very least be mentioned

The Steampunk Kingdom (Azur Emblem Book V)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora