Chapter 6 An Surpise

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Garth walked out of the elevator in a blush, he didn't expect that girl to like him, after all, he is a virgin and already is in a marriage.

Tofu stood on his shoulder as usual. Garth then scanned the surroundings, looks like they are in the docking level of the ship, so he got into the elevator again, pressed on a holographic button that displays Deck F and the hotel section. And the door closed.

"Hey, can you contact SREK, I......miss her" Tofu replied.

"No, and stop asking these creepy questions" Garth demanded.

"Fine, the human species have such complicated rules" Tofu replied in disbelief.

Ding, the elevator door opened up and Garth walked out of the elevator. They are in the same front entrance of the hotel section. Garth walked down the hallway and found the exact room he was in.


Garth check his watch scrolled onto a hologram screen, and found the password. He then input the exact password shown on his message feed.

The door sounded and Garth walked into the room. He saw the room it was messy, pillows lying everywhere, and he could see the bald dude lying on the couch sleeping with Ari. Garth then walked into the bedroom hoping to get some rest but the king-sized bed is already occupied by the same woman but with her hair untied.

"What just happened," Tofu asked.

"I don't know things gone mad, I don't know the hell, but I'm tired," Garth said.

"Ari went mad," the same woman said.

"Madison? explain how he went mad" Garth replied.

Madison then stretched her arms and got out of bed.

"let me tell you. He is a literal embodiment of the toddler and autistic devil child." Madison complained.

"I need to see him myself," Tofu said.

"Go ahead talking bird, Henry's creation. Don't tell me you regretted your decisions," Madison replied.

"Ok, I will wake up that tiny bastard, come to Garth walk to Ari," Tofu said.

"I don't think so, she might be right?" Garth replied.

"Just do it, she is gaslighting you" Tofu retaliated.

"HOW. show me the evidence" Garth demanded.

"I DON'T HAVE ANY" Tofu screamed.

The two continued to argue, and Madison had enough. She had to deal with Ari and now this. "Oh my god, you guy are PISSING ME OFF!!" Madison let out.

And the two came to silence.

"Just get your butt, and see it for yourself," Madison said.

Garth walked out of the room and walked towards Ari's location, the bald man that Ari is resting on woke up suddenly.

"Oh Ned, I just....."

"jAIDEN"! Ari shouted in panic.

"What?" Garth said.

Ari waddled off the couch and fell on the floor. Ari then turned his head "Are you..........Jaiden?" Ari replied in paranoia.

"Ari I don't think he is...."

"YOU'RE JAIDEN" Ari replied cutting off Tofu.

"Sorry to break it to you, but we are not the Jaiden person," Garth said.

"Then.......WHERE IS JAIDEN!" Ari screamed.

"Ari, Jaiden isn't here, wake up from your dream" Tofu replied.

Ari cried, then ran towards an flower plot breaking it.

Suddenly the doors opened. Several cleaning agents, dressed in cleaning gear entered the room with cleaning equipment.

"Uh sir, it's about time, didn't you hear the announcement this morning" one of the cleaning staff replied.

Madison then suddenly popped out of the door, "it's time?" Madison asked.

"Yes, and unfortantly you have to go," The cleaning staff replied.



Garth walked out of the elevator, and Madison carried ari no her shoulder with an bad mood.

"You are one spolied ass kid Ari," Madison replied.

"Hey, he is just a bird, don't be so cruel on him" Ned replied.

Madison rolled her eyes as she got out of the elevator. "Fine, once I get this stupid bird out of my life I can rest in peace" Madison replied.

"Wait, Henry told us to get to floor 14" Garth replied.

"Then what the hell are we waiting for, go the elevator and move" Madison huslted.

Garth and the rest rushed into the elevator. Garth pressed on the exact holographic button, and the door closes.

Then an notification popped up on Garth's watch and he immediately responded.

Turns out it was SREK and she sent him a QR code, but as soon as Garth attempt to scan it. The elevator opened up and multiple bodyguards armed with assault rifles stood right int their entrance.

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