Chapter 4 - You're bloody fantastic...

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Florence Apartment
Flo's POV

Why am I so nervous all of a sudden, maybe its the intense eye contact that's she holds...which honestly I found kinda hot-but maybes it's also because I didn't expect her to be so tall or smell really nice-

Stop Florence, what are you doing.

I blame Raf for putting those thoughts in my head.

"There's not really much to tell" She says softly as she takes the seat beside me on the couch.

I notice straight away how straight and proper her posture is.

"Oh come on everyone has a story to tell, and we might as well share ours since we'll be spending a lot of time together" I push playfully which earns a smile.

"Well...I'm lieutenant Y/L/N, but I'm a veteran now after I had an accident out in field, so now I work in the Queens Royal trust which makes me one of the most qualified people to hire and work on duty" She says so formally that I pout a little.

"That's not what I meant" I say smiling funnily at her.

She furrows her brows at me as I clear my throat and shuffle around a little so I face her more properly.

"What I mean is what are you like? What do you like to do in your free time? What's your family like? Are you a chunky or smooth peanut butter lover?" I say making her chuckle a little.

There we go, we're getting somewhere.

"I guess I'm a smooth lover, and as for me....I like to do average people stuff I guess" She shares weakly and I give her a bored expression.

"Oh come on, we're going to be literally spending everyday together from now on, I want to get to know my new friend" I say smiling pleadingly at her.

She sighs as she gives me an odd look, it's as if I can actually see the gears turning in her head as she searches my eyes.

"I like beach walks, I probably have a concerning level of obsession with the movie grease, I like to people watch and make up random stories about them as they walk by, I'm very much an introvert until I let people in and let them see I'm actually filled with hyper chaos all the time, I strongly believe that the whole 'money does not buy happiness' is a load of bull shit and that stupid toys can actually bring me genuine joy" She rants out passionately and I swear I've never met someone more of my match than her.

My smile widens as I watch her sigh, like she's deflating all the built up stress, I'm glad she's already feeling comfortable to do that around me.

"Y/N...I honestly couldn't agree more with that last statement" I say goofily making her chuckle.

"Thank you" She says smiling over at me.

"For what?" I ask confused as I tilt my head to the side a little.

" one ever asks me these kind of things before" She shares honestly with a sad smile.

My heart constricts for her and I've only just met her.

"Well I want to get to know my knight in shining armour so get use to it" I tease lightly and watch as her warm smile matches mine.


Ok when I said this girl was my match from before, I seriously underestimated that.

Turns out we have a lot more in common- well we have a lot more of the same interests and it's honestly amazing.

We both have an unhealthy obsession with the show friends, we both agree that olives are superior, we both love bike riding and she even promised we could go out in the streets one day on them.

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