Part 15

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A few days before your would-be anniversary, Mirabel came over to try and cheer you up. "Y/N!" She yelled when she saw you. "Como has estado?! Te extrane mucho! Me gustaria que vinieras a verme mas! Nunca salimos! Deberiamos tener una fiesta de pijamas esta noche!" When she got excited, she went full Spanish. You took a minute to translate it all in you head. Your eyes widened when you got to the last sentence. "No no no no no. A sleepover is a bad idea. What if I run into Cami?!" You best friend raised her eyebrows. "Cami?" She asked, putting her hand on her hip. "Um, I mean, Camilo." You corrected yourself. "Girl, if you still call him Cami, then you are obviously still not over him. That's not good. You need to actually see him to get over him. Come to my house! Casita misses you." You rolled your eyes. "Fine. But only for Casita." Mirabel nodded seriously. "Of course."

That night, you packed a bag and headed out to Casita. When you got there, you sort of peeked around the door frame to make sure that Camilo wasn't right there inside the door. When the coast was clear, you walked inside.  You found Mirabel and Dolores in the nursery. "Hola amiga!" Dolores greeted you. "Haven't seen you in a while." You shrugged.  "Dinner!" You heard Julieta call. Your stomach rumbled. One of the things you missed most about going to Mirabel's house was her mom's cooking. However, you were really dreading dinner because you knew you'd have to face Camilo. You gulped and headed downstairs with Mirabel and Dolores.

You sat down at the table and a delicious meal was set before you. Once everyone had sat down, you realized something. Camilo wasn't there. You didn't know whether to be relieved or disappointed. "Where is Camilo?" Felix asked, voicing your thoughts aloud. "I don't know." Pepa replied, "I'll go get him." She stood up and walked up the stairs. From where you sat at the table, you could see her knocking on his door. You saw it open a crack, but you were too far away to make out his face. You couldn't tell what they were saying, but soon a small cloud formed above Pepa's head. The door closed and she walked back downstairs. "He's refusing to eat again." Pepa announced, obviously frustrated, once she had gotten back to the table. "I thought we had finally convinced him to eat." You shot a questioning look toward Mirabel, and under the table she pointed to you, then up to Camilo's room. You shook your head. Going up there would probably just make things worse. He probably doesn't want me to see him all happy and moved on, when he knows that it still bothers me. You thought. He's sweet like that. 

You all ate dinner together and then you went back up to the nursery with Mirabel.

Author's Note:

Hey y'all! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, my homework has been relentless. I was kinda having some writer's block with this chapter, so sorry if it's not up to my usual standards. Look forward to better chapters soon! Thanks for reading! :)

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