Chapter 5: The Call That Ruined Me

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{Here is another chapter some have been waiting on. Hope you guys enjoy -XOXO}


I was now in bed relaxing after many hours of moving from work. It was time to have a 101 time. well, at least I was hoping. 

"Liv" Ariana shouted

"Liv I'm about to open the door, hope you not doing anything nasty." She said while cracking the door open and peeking her head in. 

"So... how was work? Did that businessman come to get the envelope? she asked still peaking her head behind the door.

"Girl if you don't come in. I'm not doing anything nasty your just dirty-minded." I said rolling my eyes at her. 

She laughed.

"Well, it was hell giving that jerk the envelope. He refused to grab it but I didn't back down." I said while thinking about the situation. 

"So he is one of those types of guys. Very stubborn huh? She said now sitting beside me on my queen size bed.

"That's not the only thing that went down. He also threaten me because I wanted to give the envelope back. He's so disrespectful I swear." I said becoming irritated.

"What a bitch. What did he threaten you with?" She asked.

"With my fucking job."

"I said we will see because how will he be able to do that if I didn't harm him or do anything bad to him," I added.

"I guess because he's rich he could do whatever, I doubt that though." She said swinging her feet back and forth like a child.

"That's what I was saying. Watch I still have work tomorrow." I said laughing. 

He is so stupid. I will still have my job and if he does get me fired, which I doubt, I still have another one. 

What an idiot. 

"Well, I'm going to hop in the shower to get my mind cleared, brb," I said.

With that, I grabbed all red one-piece PJs, head-to-toe shampoos, toothbrush, curology skincare, and my small Bluetooth speaker. 

While in the shower I played my favorite song of all time. The song was called 'Ghostin' by Ariana Grande. When I tell you I'm in love with her songs and just everything she does. That girl is amazing.

"I know that it breaks your heart when I cry again over him, mhm."

"I know that it breaks your heart when I cry again instead of ghostin him."

"we'll get through this."

"we'll get past this."

This song reminded me of my ex whom I dated when I was 19. We were both in love but things just didn't work out. 

I was dealing with things of my own and he was heading back to college so it wasn't going to work out. He was such a gentleman and very polite but I knew it was best for us to move on. 

So I broke up with him.

He was so devastated. 

He would call me at night telling me how he couldn't sleep because of the breakup. 

He would even send letters to my grandparent's house saying how much I would still be in his heart and that if I needed anything he was there for me. 

And he wasn't lying. 




This caught my attention.

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