Chapter 6: Big Decision

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{ Hello everyone I am back and better than ever. I will like to make up for the days I've been gone by giving you guys this kinda long chapter.} 





"Stoppppp. I'm trying to fucking sleep!" I said to the annoying alarm clock while shutting it off. 

Ari and I decided to meet up with Seth at my job. We were going to tell him about himself and get my job back. 

I needed that job. The pay was decent and it helped pay the bills. Without it, we would be fucked and behind on rent.

I decided to take a warm ten-minute shower to clear my mind from all these problems this jerk has caused. After refreshing myself, I went to the kitchen to meet with Ari who was cooking.

"Look who's up, the baddest of them all," Ari said while still proceeding to cook. 

"Whatcha making lovely," I said while getting comfortable at the dinner table. 

"I'm making the usually. Some blueberry pancakes, eggs, bacon and let's not forget your fav... GREEN SMOOTHIE.

She knows I hate green smoothies with a passion. 

"Bless your heart. I'm so grateful for you. Thank you, Lord, for this girl." I said bowing my head as if I were praying to the one up above.

We both laughed.

"I still haven't forgotten about dork face. Are we still going to your job to confront him?" Ari asked while handing my plate to me.

"Thank you and yes I'm pretty sure his ass will be there working on who knows what. We need to confront him and the boss. The boss should be there as well since there is no one doing my shift." I said shoving my mouth with the blueberry pancakes.

It was so good.

"Oh yeah, his ass is getting it too. Why would he fire you because of what one customer said? He didn't even contact you to get your point of view of the situation. Just a dumbass." She said rolling her eyes at the thought.

It's true. why would he just fire me not knowing my story of the situation? 


We were both done with our food. It was now time to make our way to my job to figure things out.

We decided to take the Uber.

When we arrived the place was packed. There was only Emma and not to my surprise the boss working my shift.

What a fool.

He shouldn't have fired me.

"Ha, look at him. Working your shift. What an idiot," Ari said while laughing.

"I know I was thinking the same thing. Anyways, let's confront his sorry ass." I said walking toward him with a grunt on my face.

"Excuse me," I said to the boss.

No answer

"EXCUSE ME, SIR," I yelled catching everyone's attention. 

It was now silent. Like a pen could drop and you would hear it silent.

"C-Can I talk to you privately...please?" I asked quietly out of embarrassment.

"What are you doing here? I fired you last night." He said with a wide smirk on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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