A curse (Bruno Angst)

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(A/n this is for Ariana670v thx for the request :) also sorry if the fic is poorly written im currently writing this a 1 am)

Bruno is part of an exceptional family that is given gifts to help the village. Bruno is no exception to the rule but he seems to do more harm than good.

Bruno Madrigal

"Bruno!" The boy in green turned around and saw a girl his age with a fish tank, the fish looked like it was going to die any second judging on how white it was.

"Can you tell what will happen to Sr.Fish?" She asked, holding up the tank to him with pride.

"Oh! Uhm sure? I'll do a vision later and I can tell you after, is that okay?" The girl nodded and skipped happily away. To Bruno, this was just another request for a vision but slowly he would realize this would be the first of many visions to go wrong.


"What do you mean I'll grow a gut?!" The man screamed, Bruno winced. He had done a vision for the man and he had found out he would grow a gut soon enough, "Sí, you will grow gut." Bruno said.

The man rolled his eyes and started to walk away, but Bruno heard something he wasn't supposed to

'That kids a curse,'

Bruno looked down at the vision plate, tears threatening to come out. "Why couldn't you get a better gift?" He questioned himself as he began walking to the Casita.

"Bruno!" He turned around and saw the priest coming towards him.

Instantly he ran towards the house, not wanting to disappoint the man. "Wait!" He heard him cry, but he was already at the stairs. He climbed them until he got to his door, he swung it open and ran inside locking it behind him.

He sank to the floor tears streaming down his face.

"God, why are you so useless?" He cried.

This is where it began, the aching feeling. it would get worse from here


Bruno rarely ever left the house. The only times were when his Mama called him but this one time would result in some issues.

Bruno was at the church with his mama, he was asked to do a vision for a couple who were planning to get married. But when he did the vision it resulted in something terrible.

"In the future... Your wife will cheat on you with your best friend only 3 months after your wedding..." The couple stands there, shocked. His mama looked worried and angry. Suddenly the husband leaves followed by the wails of his wife, Bruno turns to his mama hoping she would have a sympathetic look on her face.

But all he saw was a stone-cold woman glaring at him. "What did you do?!" She said, turning his body to face him, "Nothing! I did wh-what you told me to..." He replied, fumbling with the ends of his runa.

His mother glared at him and walked out. Bruno stood there feeling helpless, "I-i only wanted to help." His knees give in and he collapses on the floor with tears running down his face.

'You're a curse'
'You're a curse'
'You're a curse'
'You're a curse'
'You're a curse'
'You're a curse'
'You're a curse'


He opened his eyes and saw his two sisters, eyes filled with worry.

"Bruno..." Pepa started, Bruno got up and ran out of the church.

That was the last time he had done a vision and the last time he was in the church.

(A/n This was fun and finished writing this at midnight on Wednesday! Hope you enjoyed it)

624 words

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