Chapter 2

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Princess👑🥰💗: Can I call you?

I read the message a couple time to let it sink in. Camila wanted to talk to actually speak to me. I mean yes we've texted before on twitter dm's, but she hasn't really like spoken directly to me since like the first time we met. I can still remember that moment like it was just yesterday.


I was forced to go to a meeting with my brother for some stupid shit that I never pay attention too anyway. I was walking around the halls aimlessly to hopefully make time go by. I was looking down at my phone when I bumped into someone causing them to spill their water all over me.

"Oh my god I'm sorry I wasn't looking"

"Its okay I wasn't either." I looked up and saw the most beautiful human being staring back at me.

"I have to go. I'm sorry again" She quickly got up and left before I could even ask for her name.

I made my way back to the office where my stupid brother was and I sat down next to him. I just ignored the people talking around us until the door opened a few minutes later. I looked up for a second then looked back down when I quickly looked back up and noticed who it was.

It was the girl I had just bumped into a few minutes ago. She hadn't notice my presence, but when she did we made eye contact and let me tell you that there was definitely a little spark. Yes I know that sounds cheesy, but I'm not even kidding.

She flashed me a small smile and when I tell you there were butterflies. There were boat loads of them flying around in my stomach. Those beautiful brown eyes were just so mesmerizing and that smile was enough to kill me in that split second. God is it even possible for someone this beautiful to exist? I was too blind to even realize that there were four other girls with her. If that doesn't tell you how much she distracted me then I don't know what will. She came and sat down next to me and the other girls followed suit. She met my gaze again and smiled

"Hi I'm Camila" She introduced herself

I couldn't even say anything considering the large mass of amount of butterflies I just sat there looking at her. God I must look like an idiot for not saying anything. She must think I'm a weirdo for just staring at her. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

"This is Y/n" my mom jumped in from behind me "she gets nervous around new people sometimes" oh thanks for putting that out there. As if it wasn't obvious enough.

"Its okay I get like that too. I can help you get over the nerves if you want?"

End Flashback•

That was definitely one of the most embarrassing moments of my life, but honestly it was well worth it. Now that I think back to it. That day led me to become close friends with all the girls and it kind of started my streaming career a bit, but never mind that.

I looked back my phone and took a deep breath. I'm going to respond and you are going to be confident. Oh fuck who am I kidding. Confidence with me? Ha. Try again. Okay suck it up and just fucking text back already.

Me: Of course there's no need to ask

Princess👑🥰💗: Okay give me a second. My sister won't leave me alone

Okay okay starting off good. I hope I don't mess this up. What if she calls and she tells me she wants to meet up? What the hell am I gonna do? What would I even wear? I have a horrible sense of style. Oh shit she's calling me on facetime!?! I think I am actually going to die now. Wait how do I look? I checked myself out in the mirror. Not bad I'll admit, but I've looked better. I took a deep breath as I sat in my gaming chair and stood the phone up against my pc and answered the call. Oh god I'm gonna die I can feel it. It's okay you got this maybe you're just over thinking this. Holy shit...I was right. She is so fucking beautiful I can't even comprehend how she is even considered human.

"Hey" oh my god her voice is so raspy I love it she sounded like she has been singing for awhile, but you know what. I am absolutely in love with that raspiness. But in all seriousness I know they have had long rehearsals and stuff, but if it's to the point she is about to lose her voice then they need to take a break for a few days maybe a week just to rest. Wait did I even say anything back? Shit I probably look stupid just staring at her.

"Hey" someone shoot me.

"I was going to ask you if you were doing anything later tonight? The girls and I are in town since we have meetings with your brother and stuff and we all wanted to know if you wanted to go out?"

She's asking me to go out...I mean technically not a date since the other girls will be there, but if only it was just me and Camila. man I have had our date planned out for so long. One day it will happen I can promise that....well maybe I can promise that. Oh if only I could take her on a date. I would bring her to a nice dinner then we could go to a carnival near by or something and play some games and maybe I could win a big stuffed bear or that Jamaican banana she's been telling us all about and then we could go and take a walk on the beach and watch the sun set and-

"Hello earth to y/n/n"

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her. Did she just call me y/n/n?

"I'm sorry I was just thinking about something"

"It's okay babe" god that smile will actually put me in a grave- hold up. Did she just call me babe!?!?!

"I-I mean I was going to stream tonight, but I can put it off for you guys" Way to play it cool you idiot. You just had to fucking stutter didn't you. She's probably gonna change her mind and just go out with the girls.

"Awe you're so sweet. You better go live later because I wanna watch you play"

She's kidding right? She wants to actually watch me play. Never in a million years would I ever thought I would hear Camila say that to my face. Well through the phone to my face if that makes sense. Can she get anymore perfect? Like seriously she is just so perfect I don't think my brother deserves her at all. She is just so sweet and he is just a complete ass whole to her, but I think she just puts up with it because management told them too. If it were me I would have just said fuck it and done what I wanted like why would you not want someone to be happy. I would think that would catch more attention than being in a relationship where you are pretending to be happy then being with someone that actually makes you happy and is the love of your life. Wait I didn't mean to say that....

"Don't worry princess I'll go live after" I smiled to myself after the little nickname I used. She blushed and looked down while smiling trying to hide it. This girl little has be wrapped around her finger and she's not even mine.

"Well I'll be expecting a notification that you're live"

"How about you come over and be in my stream?"

"Wait really?" She looked up quickly and she looked like a little kid that was just told they were going to Disney world.

"Yeah if the girls want they can come too"

"I'll definitely ask them before we all meet up later, but I have to go get ready. I'll text you the address of the hotel and bring a bathing suit just in case" she winked at me and hung up

That girl is going to be the death of me I swear. I have never felt this was for anyone and I mean anyone. Not even my ex girlfriend who I thought I had strong feelings for, but it just turns out she just wanted to use me to get to my brother which sucks for her because he wanted nothing to do with her. I checked the time and decided to get ready rather then to sit around and do nothing. Maybe things with Camila are looking up for the better, but the only thing in the way is my stupid ass brother. Just have to think of a way to get Camila to leave him so she can be with me and I can treat her the way she deserves to be treated. Like a mother fucking princess.

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