Chapter 4

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Your POV

Did I hear that correctly? I must be hallucinating right? There is no way that Camila fucking Cabello could have just asked me that. Remember Y/n she's with your brother who really isn't your brother, but same thing. I must be losing my damn mind at this point. This was all a dream. Yeah, it was just a dream just like those dreams that I've had of actually being at Hogwarts with Harry Potter and Hermione. I was brought out of my thoughts by Camila speaking. I just realized I never responded to her question.

"Y/n? I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked. I didn't think you would want too anyway. I'm with your brother after all maybe I should have just asked him-"

"Camila take a breath" I cut her off

She took a deep breath and those chocolate brown orbs I loved so much disappeared behind her eyelids. This really a big deal for her? Well, I mean of course it's a big deal it's her FIRST kiss. Shit I was freaking out when mine happened, so I know how she's feeling. But out of all people I thought maybe my brother would have been the lucky one out of everyone on this planet to be the first one to kiss this angelic human. Don't get me wrong I would be honored to be her first kiss, but I want her to make sure that she is absolutely sure that she wants it to be me.

I didn't have that pleasure when my first kiss happened. I can still remember the day like it was yesterday. A couple of my friends and I were at a party early freshmen year of high school and some boy that was there thought it was a grand idea to have everyone play spin the bottle. While everyone spun the bottle and kissed whoever it landed on, I was hoping it would land on my crush at the time and of course with my luck that did not happen. It landed on some girl from the cheer team, but don't get me wrong she was attractive just not my type and not the person I wanted to have my first kiss with. I was more like forced to play the game after refusing countless of times. This being the reason I don't want Camila to feel like she has to have her first kiss right here and now. I can't help but feel a little guilty for her feeling like this after the elevator and what happened with the snack not too long ago. Maybe I should have dialed it back a bit?

"Camila are you sure you want your first kiss to be with me? I don't want you to feel like I'm pressuring you to do anything"

Those delicate brown eyes opened up and looked right into mine and she gave me a genuine smile. Camila and I worked on another level that others just didn't understand. When we first met, we both could look at each other and tell one another something without actually saying a single word. When she was feeling sad or she was getting anxious, I was there for her when she needed me. At first that's just how our friendship worked. But as time went on, I started realizing my feelings for her and I think she may have picked up on it, but before I could do anything my brother stepped in. Austin and Camila don't have a single bit of a connection like couples are supposed to have. I care about this girl so much that I could shout it from the roof tops, but I know if I did tell her that in this moment she would most likely run for the hills. Whatever she wanted I would give her whether that be a kiss, a hug, anything she wanted from me I would give it to her in a heartbeat. I just want to make sure she was sure about this decision. Judging by the look she gave me I could tell she was as sure as she'd even been.

I cupped her cheek gently and she closed her eyes, and I could tell she relaxed at the feeling. I smiled and tilted her chin up a tiny bit, and I prepared myself for what was about to happen. I may be a cocky fuck at time, but I still get nervous around Camila. I leaned in slightly just enough to feel her breath hitting my lips. I smiled and prayed to god that Austin didn't find out about this (even though I would love to rub this in his face.) I finally connected our lips in a soft and slow kiss. When I tell you there was a spark... there was a spark. I thought all of that was complete bullshit that people in the movies and books made up. This was completely authentic, and I was in pure euphoria. After a few moments we pulled away from one another and I looked at her now noticing she was blushing.

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