Blood letter:demon collaboration 1

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    A letter written in blood could only mean one thing, The silver alpha(alpha Cole) was declaring war and if both the flattering silvers and the bloody moon pack went to war together against the cresent moon pack, his pack would lose for sure, so he decided on the last resort,Demons!.

Alpha Romera could have given up but the blood letter means there was no way of reconciliation. The contents of the letter were as follows

*How dare you even think of asking me to go up against my in-laws?. Trust me Alpha Vicenta is not yet aware of this letter but trust me by the next fortnight which is tomorrow,she will be aware.

So begin cooking up ways in which you can go up against us. Trying to take control????Dream on!!!.*

So Alpha Romera had no choice than demons.

Demons were an ancient set of beings who had powers comparable to that of an Angel and demons meant destruction. Their leader, the demon Lord or Lucifer as we all know him by is said to be the most good-looking and also the dangerous being ever created by God.

And in order to have a meeting with his right-hand man Rasmus,ten heads were needed but inorder to meet Lucifer himself,your own family needs to be sacrificed.

Alpha Romera decided that Instead of wasting time with Lord Rasmus,he was better off meeting the devil himself and so he poisoned his whole family and blamed it on a bunch of maids in case his wife's family decided to unleash their wrath.

Alpha Romera left the cresent moon palace and journeyed to hell in search of the demon Lord. He gave the power of supervising the affairs of the pack to his right-hand man Lord Resto.

It took him exactly 100days to get to hell.
A/N: I really wanna write past here but I want to stop here and keep you guessing.
Not to worry the part 2 of this chapter will have a word count of up to 2000words!.

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