part 6

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Oliver growled biting her finger out of anger and frustration

Maggie: just looks at him " really? Do you honestly believe that's the best action for your situation? " pinched his nose closed.

Oliver shook his head around to get her off. "Just fuck off you bitch! " he struggled

Maggie: gave his nose one last tug. " okay, if that's what you really want. I will leave you here like this, all alone until you die of starvation or dehydration. " reaches for his gag.

Oliver tensed "No you idiot fucking untie me! You know damn well what I fucking ment by that! "

Maggie: " why should I? " tightens the restraints more. " it's not like you don't deserve to rot here. "

Oliver glared "because it's my damn house that's why! "

Maggie: " not good enough. " grabs a bottle of whiskey and took a few swigs. She starts going through his things.

Oliver tensed "how!? This is my god damn home not fucking yours I think that's a fucking good enough excuse! "

Maggie: " perhaps you should of thought twice by giving me freedom. " dumps his clothes, reaching for a lighter and a metal trash cans. She tossed the clothes in one by one.

Oliver squirmed "you have no fucking freedom! "

Maggie: " says the guy hog tied to the bed. Lights the clothes on fire in the can. Adding a bit of liquor to help it flame more.

Oliver glared but tensed when a servant tackled Maggie to the floor seemed to be one that didn't belong to Oliver

Maggie: used the lighter to burn her attacker. She swings a hard punch to their face the pushed them off her.

The servant grunted but put a good fight jumping back at her pulling at her hair to keep her down

Maggie: grabs a sharp object and rams it between her attekers ribs, stabbing them. " Don't fucking try to get up. " rolls out from her attacker.

The servant cried out in pain holding his side as Olivers associate walked in "that's enough-" he huffed looking at the disaster before him

Maggie: stands up " and you are?... " looked him up and down unimpressed look.

His associate huffed "James... You're new master you must be the little skank Oliver spoke to me about. " he observed her "he was not wrong about your behavior.. But it won't be too difficult to fix"

Maggie: throws the blade at him and growls " come any closer and your friend is toast. " hold the burning clothes over Oliver.

James grabbed the knife with no issues "Oooo so terrifying" he didn't change his blank expression "I'm not terrifying of little frogs like you" he looked at the servant on the floor "it's ashame you hurt one of my favourites"

Maggie: shrugs " I'm good at that. " threw the burning clothes on oliver. Bolts to the window jumping out of it. She lands in the pool

Oliver panicked as James went over and threw them off putting out the fire "I'm disappointed in you Oliver" he untied him letting him go "you're going soft... How can you it walk all over you? "
Oliver growls "shut up James...just take her away"

James scoffed "that would be easy on you wouldn't it? Just admit you're weak and that you've lost your touch" he clicked a few buttons on his phone before putting his phone away "I'll show you how a real man takes care of his animals" he glared before taking out a cigar lighting it

Maggie: gets out of the pool, coughing a bit of water. She stumbles then starts running to the gate and climbs up it she hops down trying to get to the woods.

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