16. Kiss Me

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The house itself held an enchanting feel to it. Old walls held high, antiques resting beside the staircase that twisted in a long corridor. There were paintings hung down beside the entrance, and the deep blue themes of it burst out like alive waters. Hyunjin couldn't stop glancing at it. Yeseul spoke through a smile. "My brother's work."

He looked at the girl, leaning a bit in with an amused face. "Well, isn't your family impressive."

"You aren't much. Didn't even wish me yet, tsk." Yeseul hid her grin, eyes ahead as she pushed the boy along, arms intertwined. He stumbled along, chuckling.

The guest room was partially filled with the family. They stayed knit together in a discussion, air hung up by the mirth of the moment. Champagne was poured for the elders, and trays of refreshments were passed around. Yeseul waved at her mother, calling her away from the event. She smiled deep, her eyes turning up. Hyunjin was surprised by the similarity the two shared. They had the same smile, and the lively glint in eyes. His heart fell in nervous pits.

"Yeseul!" She warmly took the hands of the girl in her hand, eyes quickly shifting to the boy beside her. The still alive girlish glow of her face turned in a teasing one. "He's the special guest?"

Yeseul sighed softly. "You'll make him uncomfortable, but yes. Meet Hyunjin."

"Oh, what nonsense." Mrs Mo laughed. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Hyunjin. My daughter talks about you a lot."

"I literally talked about him once." Yeseul pushed her hand on her eyes, muttering under her breath. Hyunjin couldn't help smiling at her.

"I pray you only heard good about me."

"Indeed! I heard you're inclined towards mus-"

Yeseul was quick to interrupt. She grabbed Hyunjin by the wrist, pulling him closer. "Enough talk Mum. Dad is probably looking for you."

"You forgot your manners, dear." Mrs Mo waved a hand in dismissal, waltzing back to join the unending talks.

"Your mother carries herself with such grace."

"What can you expect? She specialized in etiquettes." Yeseul finally let go of the boy when they reached the empty hallway. "Would you like to go outside?"

The boy agreed. Yeseul walked with him down the forking corridor, which ended with an ornate door. The moon shone so bright in the clear sky, that Hyunjin could see light beams enter the dark place through the transom. Yeseul pulled open the door, a sudden cool air gushing inside. Hyunjin breathed in deeply when all that met his eyes was the lush thicket.

"A bit untidy, but I really love being here."

"I felt like we walked through the door of Narnia." Hyunjin chuckled, walking over the trail, through the high reaching evergreens.

"The transition is cool, huh?" Yeseul held her gown up.

Hyunjin felt a bit dizzy by the turns they took in the labyrinth under the drenching moonlight. If it would have been an old movie, there might have been a hand crawling out through bushes, or a crow crying in crude terror. He shivered. The girl took noticed, laughing softly. "How's your walk towards your murder?"

Hyunjin breathed out. "Bro..."

"That doesn't quite explain your emotional status."

"It is indeed thrilling. Being taken by a birthday girl for a bloody sacrifice. Sounds pleasing." Hyunjin sarcastically gave two thumbs up. "Would love to try it again."

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