Supernatural Kingdom Reaping-The Second Supernatural Games

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As Queen Spiritia stood on the stage, she made a speech about the necessity of these final games. She wore her lilac hair back in a braid, and was wearing a silk lilac gown, looking very elegant. The youths of this Kingdom numbered more than a million, as they stood nervously amongst their fellow residents.

Spiritia made her way over to the female bowls, and the first female she called was thirteen year old Flintelle Young. A loud scream was heard as cameras focused on a young lady with ebony skin, a small black Afro, and brown eyes, already filling with tears. The second name was twelve year old Acornelle Flores. A young girl with medium light skin, long straight brown hair in pigtails, and big brown eyes was dragged up to the stage, crying for her sister. Next up was seventeen year old Ciabatta Cruz. A beautiful girl with medium light skin, curly red hair, and fierce brown eyes made her way to the stage. Fourteen year old Challah Phillips was called next, as a young girl with curly blonde hair and big blue eyes was practically carried to the stage. Spiritia walked to a different bowl this time, pulling out the name of fifteen year old Pretzelle Collins. Loud screams were heard from her siblings, especially her brother Kernel, as he had been a winner during the previous Supernatural Games. Pretzelle looked horrified, her blue eyes filling with tears. Her blonde hair was held back in two braids, and she screamed before being pulled to the stage by law keepers. Seventeen year old Glutena Stewart was called next, as a young lady with glasses, lilac hair, and blue eyes was dragged to the stage. Seventeen year old Paprika Patterson was called next, and an irritated girl with bright red hair was escorted to the stage. Spiritia looked at the next name, before calling out the name of seventeen year old Pepper Patterson. Paprika looked shocked as her twin sister was dragged to the stage, sobbing. Both sisters were almost identical, except Pepper had straight hair and Paprika had curly hair. The sisters stood side by side and held hands as the next name was called. Thirteen year old Garlica Cox was called, and a young girl with a short pixie cut of brown hair was escorted to the stage. The last female name for these games was fourteen year old Millie Mitchell. A young girl with brown medium length hair walked to the stage calmly.

The female tributes were then held at gunpoint as Spiritia made her way over to the male bowls. Nineteen year old Cobb Jones was called, and a tall male with blonde hair and green eyes was carefully escorted to the stage. Eighteen year old Cornel Wilson was called next, with his dark skin and brown braids. The third name called was twelve year old Pita Mendoza, and a young boy with short black hair and brown eyes was taken to the stage. Nineteen year old Spiritio Ballard was next, with his lilac hair held in a bun at the back of his head, and his rippling muscles. The next male was sixteen year old Nutty White, as a pale boy with lilac hair and lilac eyes made his way to the stage. Nineteen year old Wheatley Morales was escorted to the stage, and his black hair was back in a straight ponytail was held back with a lilac hairband. Eighteen year old Biscotti Ramirez was called next, with a short cut of brown hair and brown eyes. Seventeen year old Basil Wright was called next, and he had long red hair back in a ponytail, as well as a lilac rose in his hair. Twelve year old Bean Cosby was called next, as a ebony skinned boy with black hair was pulled to the stage. The last male name called was that of fourteen year old Miller Mitchell. His twin sister Millie screamed as her brother was dragged to the stage his curly brown hair being his most prominent feature.

The tributes were released to their family and friends for one hour of visits.

Flintelle Young was visited by her two younger sisters Fiora and Ficca, and her mother. Flintelle cried in her mothers arms, while her sisters clung to her.

Acornelle Flores was visited by her older sister Cornetta, her only living relative. Cornetta was seventeen, and she hugged her younger sister close.

Ciabatta Cruz was visited by her mother and father, as well as her two elder brothers Martin and Marco. She promised to win, before being taken away.

Challah Phillips was visited by her father and older brother Chap. They gave her advice and embraced her, before she was taken away.

Pretzelle Collins was visited by her sobbing sister Hazel, her brother Kernel, one of the five Victors of the First Supernatural Games, as well as her younger siblings. Suddenly her older brother Crispin entered the room. Her twenty year old brother had been living abroad in the Royal Kingdom. He hugged her and gave her some advice as he was currently dating her mentor Maizalia. He told her he would ensure her safety, and help her get sponsors. He handed her a photograph of their parents as a token, before she was escorted out. Once she left, he cried silently.

Glutena Stewart was visited by her mother and younger brother Glucose. They silently hugged, and Glutena signed with her mother who was deaf, before hugging her brother again, and being taken away.

Paprika and Pepper Patterson saw their visitors together, as did the other set of twins. They were visited by their older sister Poppy, and younger brother Pippin. They hugged and kissed, with Poppy giving some advice, they spoke in quiet tones about the recent grain mill shutdown, which had reopened after a week, before being taken away.

Garlica Cox was visited by her mother and father, as well as her eight year old brother, Gus, before being taken away.

Millie and Miller Mitchell were put in a room together, like the other set of twins this games. They were visited by their older sister Millet, as well as their aunt and uncle, who had been raising the three siblings. The five talked about game plans before the twins were removed.

Cobb Jones was visited by his pregnant wife Rosemary, and his children, five year old daughter Turemerica, four year old son Coriander, and two year old daughter Saige. His children cried in his arms, before Spiritia walked into the room. Rosemary gasped. Spiritia informed the family that Cobb had been "Adopted", and that he could stay home without fighting in the games. She told him to take care of his wife and kids, before Cobb was escorted home, where his daughter Spiritia was born three days later, as pregnancy in the Magical World only lasted a week. The family was moved to the Royal Kingdom a week later, as all "adopted" tributes were offered citizenship.

Cornel Wilson was visited by his boyfriend Fielder, and they kissed passionately. Once five minutes were left Cornel promised to try his best to come back, before being taken away.

Pita Mendoza was visited by his older sisters, sixteen year old Vita and twenty year old Sarita, as well as his father and mother. He cried and sobbed, but pulled himself together to listen to his mother as she spoke of his ancestor Cinnamon, a male who had won the 205th Games, before telling him he could win, just like Cinnamon, before sobbing as her son was taken away.

Spiritio Ballard was visited by his wife Croppa, before speaking to her in hushed voices, as she revealed she was pregnant with his son. Spiritio wept, before becoming serious and promising to return, before being taken away. Five  days later Croppa would give birth to their son, Saffron, before anxiously watching the games, hoping for her husbands return.

Nutty White was visited by his older siblings, sisters Cayenne and Fennel, and brothers Mace and Cumin. All were very pale like him, and all had lilac hair. They spoke quietly before Mace, the oldest, handed Nutty a small vial containing a worldwide used drug, Steck, a pain killer that many drug addicts used. Nutty slipped the vial into his pants, before being escorted away by law keepers.

Wheatley Morales was visited by his mother, as well as his little sisters Clove and Anise. He promised to make an effort to return, before being taken away.

Biscotti Ramirez was visited by his mother and father, and younger brother Annatto, as well as his cousin Masala. They embraced and his father gave him some advice, before his son was taken away.

Basil Wright was visited by his younger brother Dillon, and older sister Ginger. Ginger spoke of their Cousin Maizalia, and how she won the most recent 300th Games. Ginger spoke of "hooking him up" with sponsors, before he was taken away.

Bean Cosby was visited by his mother and father, as well as his older siblings, brothers Major and Oregano, and sisters Perilla and Quassia. They spoke and hugged, before his cousins Stevia and Wasabi were allowed to walk in. Bean was then taken to the limo.

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