Grand Finale-Announcemt-CANCELLATION

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Queen Joan was on live television, explaining the rules to the Grand Finale. She said due to heavy backlash over killing off victors, there would be no Grand Finale, and all victors would keep their prizes, and that all killed tributes from the Grand Finale would be brought back to life once the Grand Finale ended, and also be given the same prize as the victors, a hundred million dollars, a house, and two cars. She said this would apply to all 750 competing Kingdoms. She congratulated all tributes and their friends and families, as well as the victors, before signing off. All of the districts were happy, and no longer rebelled, and the world was relatively peaceful, even today, in the time of Mai Magic and her soulmates.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2022 ⏰

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