Training, Interviews, Training Scores-The First Supernatural Games

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The nineteen tributes were brought to the training room, where there were several stations of eight types, weaponry, medical, herbs and poisons, athletics, electronics, cooking, camouflage, and defense stations. Each tribute was put in a separate room, and after their three hour long training, were hurried off to get dressed for the interviews/get their training score, something Queen Spiritia called a two in one. The five judges were the mentors Maizalia Wright and Cornelius Farmington, head interviewers Triticus and Millicent Coin, and of course Queen Spiritia. The tributes were scored from 1-10 by each judge, with an overall possible score of 50. The scores went like this MW/CF/TC/MC/QS.

Yeasta Wurst made her way over to the scythe station, after around an hour seemed to get the hang of it. She also utilized the medical, herbs and poisons, and athletics stations, running a mile in six minutes in the latter. She then walked into the dressing room, changing into a cute lilac and black plaid dress with black leggings, also letting her long brown hair hang down in curls. She wore black clog heels on her feet. She then walked out onto the stage. She chose to show off her medical skills, stitching and cauterizing a fake wound. She was then asked a question by Triticus about her weaponry skills, and Yeasta showed her skills chopping with a scythe. Maizalia asked her about her cooking skills and Yeasta admitted she wasn't the best at that. Yeasta was dismissed and the judges gave her a score of 7/9/9/8/7 with an overall score of 40/50.

Hauntress Worley was next, and she spent training only utilizing the scythe station. She then changed into a lilac velvet dress with matching heels, before letting her curly purple hair hang down in waves. She walked out onto the stage, and chose to show off her skill with a scythe, and was probably the best female that day. During interviews Spiritia asked Hauntress about her family, and Hauntress surprisingly stayed respectful, speaking of her love for her little brother Haunter. Hauntress was given a score of 10/10/10/10/10, earning herself a perfect score of 50/50.

Ghostelle was up next, and she steered away from the weapons, choosing to use the speed station. She then changed into a lilac sweater and purple pants, and chose to have her long lilac hair cut and styled into a shorter cut. She chose to display her speed skills, but fell and appeared to twist her ankle. She was given a score of 5/5/2/3/2, earning herself the lowest score for females that day of just 17. Her ankle was healed by medics that night.

Scout was up next, and when she entered the training room, she utilized the medical station, where she learned to stitch up wounds, and also threw knives. She chose to wear a lilac Victorian style gown, and curled her long blonde hair, putting it back in a bun, but leaving some locks up front. Triticus seemed startled by how beautiful Scout was, and Millicent commented on it. Scout graciously took the compliment. She chose to showcase her knife throwing skills, and actually wasn't that bad at it. As Scout's kind nature impressed the interviewers and audience, she found herself as a fan favorite. She was given scores of 10/10/10/9/9, ending up with a close to perfect total score of 48.

Grainette walked into the training room, and was met by Spiritia, who informed her that she had been the chosen female to be "adopted", and that she could go home to her family. Grainette informed the queen that she was an orphan, and the queen asked her if she would like to be adopted for real, and the small girl smiled. Spiritia formally adopted the ten year old, and she would go on to fall in love with and marry a grain company owner, and found out she was infertile. Spiritia supported her and her husband through this, and suggested Grainette adopt. Grainette adopted an infant girl and Spiritia put Grainette's DNA inside of the daughter, who was named Acacia. Spiritia stayed close to the girl until she passed at the age of 87, with many Grandchildren and great Grandchildren from Acacia, and her other adopted child, a son named Fielder. The Pullman line still exists to this day, having moved back to the Supernatural Kingdom.

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