The First Supernatural Games-FULL GAMES

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The tributes were awoken at nine the next morning, and taken on a plane to the arena's depths. They were dressed in black t shirts, black shorts, a lilac jacket, lilac socks and black sneakers with lilac laces. They were also fitted with steel bracelets on their right arm that kept them from using their powers. Maizalia and Cornelius came to visit the tributes, with Cornelius visiting the males and Maizalia visiting the females. Cornelius was allowed to come in earlier to say goodbye to the males, and was able to spend the last ten minutes hugging and prepping his sister. He kissed her on the forehead, told her she could do this, and the tributes tubes rose up into the arena. Cornelius sobbed as Maizalia tried to comfort him.

Day One

The tributes podiums rose up into the arena, and the tributes and audience saw a run down looking city. There were ten blocks of city streets, with openable doors to buildings some with supplies in it, as well as grass fields leading up to the perimeter. Old roads filled the town, with workable cars and bikes.

The cornucopia had three areas. The first area had loaves of bread, bottles of water, bags of fruit , blocks of cheese, and several bars of chocolate. Further along were flashlights, sleeping bags, blankets, pillows, boxes of matches, backpacks, and bars of soap. Towards the back of the cornucopia was a wall with seventeen scythes, and no other weapons. But there were enough for everyone.

The timer started down from thirty seconds, and as it went down Ghostelle started to cry, but was ignored. The gong sounded and Sylo, Maizen, and Chili ran forward, ignoring the food and other supplies, each grabbing a scythe. When Dent barreled forward to grab one Sylo slashed his throat with his scythe, making Dent the first in game tribute killed in the First Supernatural Games. Kernel grabbed some water bottles and placed them in his backpack, and also grabbed a loaf of bread, some cheese, and three bars of chocolate, before running out into the streets, barely avoiding a swipe by Reed with a scythe. Hauntress was allowed to grab a scythe by the boys, and she showed her allies what food, drinks and items she had grabbed, having filled four backpacks, and the men each grabbed one before the four ran into the streets. Reed was aimlessly standing on his podium but he soon saw his chance. He grabbed a scythe as soon as the larger group left, swiping at Kernel who barely got away. Reed then ran into the streets, running into the nearest building. Yeasta grabbed some food and drink, shoving them into her backpack, before turning and bumping into Rylee, who was also filling a bag. The two squealed in fear but Rylee asked Yeasta for an alliance, and the two grabbed scythes and ran down the streets, entering the grassland. Winnow grabbed a bag and filled it before running down the street, entering the old library. Buck shouted at Scout to remain on her podium, and the girl listened to her boyfriend. Buck grabbed a scythe, and Scout asked Buck if she could grab supplies. Without waiting for an answer the girl filled up two backpacks before also grabbing a scythe, and the two ran off together. Cornelia grabbed a scythe and quickly slashed it across the throat of Ghostelle, killing her, she then filled a bag with food, drinks, and other items before running away. Coffeena hid behind a building waiting for a chance. Once Cornelia left, she ran forward and grabbed a scythe, before filling a bag up, she then ran into the streets.

The rest of the day was relatively eventless and at six in the evening the portraits of Dent Park and Ghostelle Greene were shown in the sky.

Hauntress and Maizen decided to stay in the bank they were hiding in, while Sylo and Chili went to find tributes. The two came across the library, with Chili seeing a small light, he ushered Sylo over, and Sylo kicked the door down. Winnow screamed as she tried to hide, but Sylo slammed the scythe through her head, killing her. The two looked around a bit more, barely missing Kernel, but then went back to the bank building. Hauntress and Maizen were relieved to see them back. Chili asked Hauntress if she knew what polyamory was. Hauntress smirked, then slyly asked if they wanted her. Maizen blushed, before Sylo said they liked feisty girls and she was their type. Hauntress stated she would be interested in dating them, and they were her type too. The three boys kissed her one by one, before Hauntress snuggled into Sylo while he and Maizen kept watch.

Meanwhile Cornelia snuck through the grass, quickly finding Coffeena asleep in a sleeping bag. Cornelia slammed her scythe through Coffeena's head, and it was announced by Millicent that Yeasta Wurst, Hauntress Worley, Scout Melanson, Rylee Anderson, and Cornelia Farmington were the female victors of the First Supernatural Games. They were given a choice to stay or leave the arena, and Yeasta, Rylee, and Cornelia chose to leave, while Scout and Hauntress chose to stay with their boyfriends. It was announced that if anyone tried to hurt either female, their tracker would be detonated. Scout and Buck shared a kiss, while Reed explored an abandoned factory. After a couple minutes, he saw the sleeping form of Kernel. A tear rolled down Reed's face, before he gently kissed Kernel's forehead, said he loved his boyfriend, and slashed the scythe across his throat. Kernel woke up to his cannon, as Triticus announced that Buck Hanson, Sylo Rodriguez, Chili Johnson, Maizen O'Brien, and Kernel Collins were the male victors of the First Supernatural Games, as the five males, as well as Hauntress and Scout were lifted out of the arena, the portraits of Winnow Takigawa, Coffeena Williams, and Reed Carlson was shown in the sky.

The victors were taken to Royal Hospital, where they luckily had no injuries, before being taken to their accommodations. Two days later they had a Victor's Interview, where they spoke of their win and actions throughout the games, before they were flown home on a plane, where they were allowed to move into the Victor's Village. Hauntress, Sylo, Maizen, and Chili had wild parties over the next nine months, and also got engaged and married in month eight. Hauntress gave birth to triplets, making her, Sylo, Maizen and Chili ineligible for the Grand Finale. The four named their children Reed, Dent, and Waxy, and the four went on to have three more named Winnow, Cornella, and Farmer. Scout and Buck also got engaged, and six months in Scout was pregnant with a son, making her and Buck also ineligible for the games. The boy was named Brannick. They went on to have four more named Graham, Sickle, Husk, and the only girl Maizie. As Kernel was the only eligible male he was automatically in the Grand Finale. However in a moment of mercy from the Queens of the ten competing Kingdoms, Kernel was "adopted" sometime during the Nature Games, and therefore no Supernatural Kingdom male had to compete. Kernel went on to marry a woman named Zizania Berrick, and have three daughters and three sons , Rusk, Pannos, Oatley, Amber, Focaccia, and Chia. Meanwhile only Yeasta, Rylee and Cornelia were eligible for the Grand Finale, and the three became close friends.

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