Isabela headcanons

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just some headcanons <3. btw i have never written anything in my life i just did this for fun :)

she wakes up earlier than you, she will either watch you for a bit (not in a creepy way like edward) and then wake you up or leaves a cute note and your favorite plant.

she will call you things like mi vida, mi flor, angel, princesa, slut.

i kinda feel like she wouldn't want to live in casita for her whole life so y'all get a house 5 minutes away from casita and decorate with so many flowers, plants and cacti (although sometimes you might need one of julieta's arepas because you stepped in a cactus)

isabela wouldn't be the best cook, like she would know how to do certain recipes but you would be the one to cook mostly. except the times where you're tired or sick she'll cook.

pepa taught her how to dance so you can bet your ass that she is good at it. if you don't know how to dance she'll teach you.

dates can be literally anything. it can be having a picnic, walking around town, growing plants together, dancing, taking naps and just talking about things in bed.

at first she struggles to see that not everything has to be perfect. like if she sees anything at all that can harm your relationship you best believe she is going to start panicking and becoming insecure.

from the previous statement means that she gets jealous very easily, like it could be from someone looking at you in a way she doesn't like, and when she does get jealous she just walks up to you and kisses you while her hands are on your hips (or maybe even lower if you're comfortable with it) and then death stare that person until they got the hint (if they haven't already)

lowkey kinda think that she gets especially jealous around luisa, like you two could be talking about random things whether it be about chores, what you ate for dinner or what type of clothing you like and when isabela sees you two talking she just buts in the conversation and puts her arm around you and pulls you in to her side.

there was one time you tripped and fell from the ceiling (don't ask my why you were there) and luisa caught you and isa wrapped her vines around you and pulled you out of luisa's arms, walked up the stairs with an eyebrow raised, put you in her arms instead and walked away.

she gets insecure sometimes because she was always pressured so just hold her and promise her that you'll love her no matter what, please she needs it.

she is a simp for you and you are a simp for her.

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