Chapter 1: A New King is Born

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The sun is rising high in the sky, glistening along the water making the sky turn a shade of red, pink, orange, and yellow through the black and early morning sky. You hear elephants stomping on the ground when they walk, gazelles prancing on the grass. You can see rhinos, hippos, giraffes, and much more animals marching and walking. But where are they going? You may ask. Well, you see; they are walking to Pride Rock, in this case for you, it's called a kingdom. They are meeting there because a king has been born.
As you follow the herd or animals you see a cub being raise in the air by a mandrill, (type of monkey) in that case that old thing happens to be me. Yes, hello my name is Rafiki, and I'm about to tell you are a story that you might not be so cleared about, because you see as we fast forward through time we see the daughter of Simba, who's name is Kiara whom I'm sure you know about. But let's not get ahead of ourselves here. I'm about to tell you a story that was seem to be forgotten and it all happened to be here right now.
"Dad wake up, it's almost sun rise!" shouted Kopa.
"Just a few more minutes ok?" Simba replied.
"Daaaaaaaad," Kopa drastically said, "Come on we might miss it again!"
Simba turns his face to the other side where Nala was sleeping.
"Daaaaaad!" Kopa said as he pushed towards his father. "But you promised!"
"Ok, ok let's go." Simba said as he woke up and yawned
Out of the den Kopa rushed to see the sunset. As Simba woke up he licked Nala and started to follow Kopa out of the den.
"Come on dad, hurry up you're going to miss it." Kopa said.
"Ok, ok I'm coming" Simba replied.
Simba then sits down with Kopa watching the sun as it was slowly rising up at the sky.
"Wow, it's so beautiful." Kopa announced.
"Yes, it is very beautiful," Simba replied, "You know, I used to do this with my father all the time when I was your age."
"Really?" questioned Kopa.
"Yes," Simba replied back, "We would like to examine the sky because it reminds us of our ancestors."
"My father once told me that this is the circle of life," Simba explained.
"What do you mean dad?" questioned Kopa.
"Well son, my father once told me that when we die are body becomes the grass, and the one who eats the grass are the antelopes, so we are all connected in the Great Circle of Life," said Simba.
"Ohhhh," replied Kopa.

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