Kopa Makes Friends

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Kopa gets there first.
"Hahaaa, I won. I guess I'm not the rotten lion after all." Kopa said.
Nuka looks out of breath and breaths heavily signaling he is tired.
"Well, I was just giving you a head start and I was also going easy on you." Nuka replied towards Kopa
Kopa giggles.
"Yeah, ok." Kopa says.
Kopa goes up to Nuka.
"TAG your it!!" Kopa says, "TAG your it!!"
Nuka looks confused.
Kopa says to Nuka. "Ummm I tag your it I run."
Nuka doesn't budge.
"What? You don't know how to play?" Kopa says.
Nuka tells Kopa, "Well, what me and my sister do is we play fight."
Kopa replies back to Nuka.
"Well, I'll teach you, when I tag you, you have to tag me back, to not be it." Kopa explains to Nuka.
"Well, ok." Nuka replies.

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