Chapter 3: Vitani

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Later in the evening Kopa and his friends Babu,Boga, Afua, and Nuka were playing tag in the grass plains. Nuka was it trying to tag the other cubs, but couldn't because he was too out of shape.
Nuka panting, "it's impossible to catch you guys."
His friends giggled.
"Hey, Slow Poke, try to tag me if you can!" Kopa told Nuka.
"Oh I'll get you Kopa," Nuka sneered with anger.
After minutes of chasing Kopa, Nuka got tired and let Kopa go. Kopa than ran with laughter facing back towards Nuka and not paying attention to where he was going.
"Hahaaaa, I knew he would neve.........." Kopa says as he bumps into a cub off the cliff.
"Owww!" the cub screamed as she fell off the cliff holding on to her dear life.
Kopa looks where the cub was. "Hey? Are you alright?"
The cub dramatically says holding onto a branch, "What do you think? I'm holding on to dear life. HEEELLLLPPP ME!!"
Kopa apologizes, "Ok, ok, hold on stay right there ok?"
The cub says, " Well it looks like you're in luck cause it looks like in my point of view that I am GOING NO WHERE!!.
"Ahh jeez, girls, so dramatic." Kopa said.
"You know I can hear you, go find help." responded the cub.
"Ok, ok ummm...." Kopa tries to think without panicking, then looks to Nuka running towards him.
"Nuka! Go get help, a cub is stuck down by the cliff." Kopa shouted to Nuka.
"Who?" responded Nuka as he looked down the cliff.
"Nuka, don't panic." Kopa said.
"Nuka?" the cub hanging down on the cliff said, "Oh great, now I'm really doomed for sure."
While up on the cliff Nuka was panicking.
"WHAT IS MOTHER GOING TO SAY TO ME WHEN SHE FINDS ME NOT TAKING RESPONSIBILITY" Nuka says as he squirming back and forth and dragging his butt on the floor. "I'M DOOMED!"
"Umm, Hey are you still there?" as Kopa looked down the cliff.

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