Chapter 5: Nala's Surprise to Kopa

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As Kopa got to Pride Rock and in the den with his family Simba and Nala wanted to tell Kopa something.
"Kopa." Nala asks calmly.
"Yes, mother?" Kopa replied as if though he thought she was mad at him for what had happened earlier in the day.
"We want to tell you something." Nala said.
"We are having another cub." Simba said.
Kopa all surprised. "What really? Is it a boy? How long did you know about this? How come you never....."
"Whoa there take it easy we don't want your voice to be gone when your sister arrives." said Simba.
"Oh ok,.........WAIT WHAT? It's a girl?!" Kopa said with surprised.
"SURPRISE!!!" Simba and Nala said.
"Ummmm.... Can we drop her off to another family and get a brother now?" Kopa said.
"No," Nala said.
"I'm sure you will love her." Simba told Kopa.
"I don't know, last time I spent time with a girl she seemed a CRAZY!!" Kopa answered.
"Come on Kopa, give her a chance, you might find something interesting about girls that I don't know of." said Simba.
"And you will never no of." Nala says to Simba.
"Oh ok, I'll try," replied Kopa.

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