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Edo Period in Japan

𒊹︎︎︎ A BRIGHT SPRING MORNING, was waiting Kurayami Toko. It was the day when his wife would give birth to his child.

His sister and the maids where inside their bedroom helping the mother to give birth and take care of the new- born baby.

It was a blessing gift send from heaven for the married couple and nothing would go wrong.

He sauntered around the table impatiently, waiting for the moment when the maids would call him inside to see his child.

Was it going to be a boy or a girl? Nevertheless, that was the last thing he cared about.

He was more interested in finding out about the child's health and his wife's condition.

He really hoped everything would go well, like the Satoru family with their little boy.

Kaito Satoru's wife gave birth to a child blessed by the Deity in December.

After he was born, the balance of power has shifted and he had a bounty on his head and was targeted by bounty hunters.

Therefore, Kurayami prayed to God for his kid to stay out of the clan's habits for sorcerery.

He doesn't want to put his child's life in risk and be brought to the world of Curses.

Not on his watch, even if his child had cursed energy or the ability to see curses, he would hide it from everyone.

Otherwise, his kid will become food for the curses and a toy for the Jujutsu society.

His horrid thoughts vanished immediately from his head like ashes, when one maid got out of them room smiling from ears to toe.

" It's a girl! " the father replied with a proudly smile and stared inside the room, trying to steal some glances of his child.

A loud scream was heard from the room, nothing similar to an infants one.

No doubt, it was his wife. He rushed into the room looking around for what scared her so much.

He found his wife screaming while pushing her baby away, not accepting it.What's wrong with her? he thought and came up to check on them.

When the woman turned at him, she clenched onto the man and stared into his eyes desperately for help.

" What's going on? " he tried to keep his cool and stay calm at such time, so as not to make her state any worse.

" It's a monster! That's not our baby! ITS A CURSE FROM HELL! " she kept yelling at his face while glaring at her own child who was being held by a maid.

The man looked at her in confusion and tried to lay her down back on the bed.

Motherhood is tough at first, but she will eventually soften, he kept telling to himself.

She needs to rest after all the birth has exhausted her and she needs to stay at bed for a few days.

His attention was caught on the new-born baby wrapped in a white cloth.

She wasn't crying, which was quite unusual but that doesn't mean she is possessed by demons like his wife claimed.

He was walking towards her at an easy pace, to check her out.

He softly took the baby on his arms. Her eyes were wide open and stared into his soul.

He was in disbelief at first, how could a new-born have its eyes half opened?

Despite that, he noticed something else....two lines on her both wrists.

Identically, to the King Of Curses described appearance.

He cursed under his breath, what he didn't want to become happened. There's no doubt that the girl has something to do with Jujutsu Sorcerery.

He sighted in disappointment and hugged carefully his child. He will do anything to keep her away from the spotlight of danger.

If the higher-ups find about this, they are going to take her away and train her as a Jujutsu Sorcerer.

He doesn't want his child to have the same fate as him. Kurayami Toko knows this pretty well.

The feeling of going to be separated from your family and train hard for years to succeed and survive cannot be described by words.

It was a painful memory and he doesn't want his daughter to go through the same.

He wants his daughter to live, not to survive.

Even if it that means to get separated from each other.

He would do it.

The Flowers of Evil | 惡の華

Fanfact: The surname Toko means increase and wisteria. Wisteria are blue and purple flowers that bloom in the spring and early summer. They are a vining plant and native to China, Korea, and Japan.

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