Chapter 4: Tragedy or not

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All of a sudden they see a shadow coming from far away creating a shape of an island.Was this it was this the time were they find a new island to call home.As they got closer to the island they realised that the island was going smaller and smaller and smaller.They got to the mysterious plot of land and they instantly knew that this mysterious island was not like the the other one it was small and it had decorations on it but they all looked ancient some of the decorations having spider webs on them.

Ian and his family arrived at the island happy that they were "home".So they instantly got off the decent looking boat and they scurried on to the new island so they can claim it but they realised this was no ordinary island this was a island that had decorations but they all looked like they had been placed over 100 years ago.Ian with his head up high said to the gang,"Hey everyone I know we are still struggling after that horrific earthquake but this is all we can get to.America gone.UK gone.Asia gone.Africa gone.The entire earth is gone and it has all gone bad but we need to live with it.The world will never be the same.The world is a mess and i know that but we have to live with it and we have to persevere through it.We can do it!"

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