Chapter 9 : Escape

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All of a sudden,a small,tiny man with a red shirt,black pants,glasses and had a big,modern bag with him and then appeared his crew.Jonah and his crew sneak to them wondering why and who they are and if they are bad or good.

They approached them and they welcomed them with a welcoming smile and they explained,"Welcome to Geblossom Cave and you have passed the test of good and evil.I am Jason and my crew are Jacob the smart guy,Elliot the technician and Martha the planner and secretary head of our crew and that is all of them what about you."Then Jonah said,"Well hi Jason,Jacob,Elliot and Martha we are the survivors of France and Santa Montero we have me Jonah i am the smart guy of the team,Julie my mum who is the caretaker,food maker and planner of the team,Mike my dad is the smart guy as-well but he is the builder as-well.Bianca my sister is the fashion and the planner with my mum and Elizabeth and Robert who help with anything same with the France survivors and a spirit who we don't know the name of..."Jonah gets interrupted by a France survivor "It's name is...".A big shake awakens the land and massive cracks awaken from its slumber.

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