Part 10: RUN

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Jacob screams,"RUN NOW.''Many feet scurry out the land making sure they get onto the big,grande boat in time before Geblossom collapses.A ashy,smoky sky starts being shown from the walls of the cave.Light showed itself from the entrance of the cave.Debris and rocks start falling from the sky.Rocks falling onto the walls to help the cracks and the entrance to keep the cave "safe".

The entrance started to fill with rocks and the crew started to panic so their feet as quick as a flash started to pick up speed and they had not so much left of the cave and if they could reach it.They arrived at the end of the big,mysterious,now breaking cave and the crew needed a good plan.

They knew to move the rocks they would need to push in sync to make the rock move then the next then the next and on and on.So they knew they were to do this now so they won't stay in the cracking,breaking cave.They ,in sync,pushed the rocks and they saw a shift in the rocks movement.They did it over and over again and rocks fell and fell and fell.Until it was the final rock and the crew felt hope so they pushed and...

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