Chapter 1 - School

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"HEY Y/N GET UP YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE" I heard my brother call from downstairs. How the hell is even up before me? "Five more minutes." I said just to make him be quiet. "Nope you should be thankful I'm waking you up nicely" "Fine just shut up will you?"

I got up to get ready for my first day of school at Saebom, it was my first time attending school in awhile. I had taken a leave for personal reasons. I used to go to yongpa high school where I had a best friend, her name was Ju gyeong. She was the sweetest person ever. Ju gyeong was bullied because of her appearance but I thought she was adorable. After I befriended her, I was made fun of for being friends with someone that wasn't considered "pretty". I left all my friends after that and I've practically been a loner ever since Ju gyeong moved without telling me. Anyway I'm almost done. I'm done my hair and my uniform looks straight enough. I'm too lazy to iron it. I grabbed a banana milk from the fridge on my way out and made my way to school. My brother greeted me out as he headed back to his company. Did I forget to mention my brother is Hwang Hyunjin?

I finally reached school after what felt like hours of walking. Why couldn't hyunjin just drop me off?

I walked around trying to find the entrance as my H/L, H/C swayed as I took each step. At last, I finally found the damn opening to this huge ass school. I was never a social person so everyone crowding around the halls staring at me was not helping my social anxiety. Is there banana milk on my face? I swear if there is I'm going to yell at hyunjin-"Woah she's pretty~" "oh my god" "who's class is she in?" I felt calmer knowing I didn't look like an idiot in their eyes. I was finally feeling relaxed after so much anxiety until I bumped into a cute girl with short black hair. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention" "Don't worry about it" she smiled "Oh are you new? I haven't seen you around" "Yeah I'm new " I gave her a slight smile. "You look lost let me help you find the office" she said as she led me to who knows where "was it really that obvious" I said feeling embarrassed "Yup it was" we both laughed.

After I checked in at the office I found my class which also happened to be the same class soo-ah, the girl that helped me. Thank god. We both made our way to the classroom and she went in as I stood in front of the class waiting for the teacher to mention a new student. "Hello class I'm sure you all know we had a transfer student not too long ago and now we have another sweet girl joining our class. Please introduce yourself" "Hello everyone, my name is Hwang Y/n, I hope we can all be friends" I bowed and smiled at the class trying to make my best first impression. There were multiple responses from the class. "woah another pretty girl" "Hwang? As in Hwang Hyunjin?" "She's beautiful". I heard the mention of my brother but I didn't want people asking about him so I decided to ignore the question. "Ah yes y/n you can sit at the back seat over there" I went to go sit on an empty seat in the back of the class and the teacher continued the lesson. This isn't too bad.


CHAPTER 1 - 660 words

omg pls tell me how I did 😭 it's prob rlly bad but I hope it was good enough to read! I'll continue trying my best to create a good story for you guys to read!!

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