Chapter 4 - run

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"Alright, class dismissed." The teacher finally announced I was dying to go home. All day seojun either kept poking at my back, tugging my hair, or throwing papers at me. Seriously give me a break. I was walking towards the exit before someone hand stopped me. "Where's my apology? Don't tell me you forgot" what the hell is he talking about? "You don't need one and I don't plan on giving you one." "Aww cmon don't be like that" "I will" I replied as I kept walking. I finally reached the hospital. It's time again so quick. I entered and the hospital smell that was all too familiar hit me. I walked to the front desk and asked about my appointment. "Oh hey y/n you're back. How was your medicine for today?" "It was good hye-jin thank you. But I'm not sure it's helping." I replied feeling disappointed. "We need to do some check ups so you can head back to your usual room?" "Okay thanks" I replied giving her a genuine smile. I was happy seeing her again. She was like my second mother.

"Okay deep breathe in, and out" I followed what du-sik told me. He was always my favorite doctor and always attended to me ever since I was young. I felt way better than I had used to. "Alright your checkups look great!" "Really??" I asked in disbelief. "Yup I'll just get your new prescribed medicine." Du-sik went out to get my medicine as I was just thinking about random things. It was all good until I started thinking about my parents. I don't know what happened to me exactly but I just felt a sharp pain near my heart. Ow what the hell? I'm supposed to be better. The pain got worse and I was having trouble breathing. My breaths got quicker as I was trying to stabilize it. I feel like I'm gonna die.

I woke up feeling like shit. "Hey you're awake." my nurse Bi-na told me. She's always been my nurse and as I didn't really bond with anyone else as much. "How long was I out?" "Few hours" I felt relieved knowing I didn't miss school. Usually I would be out for a few days but today wasn't as bad. "We have bad news." Bi- na's voice was shaking as my heart dropped. My body went cold as I was listing all the possibilities of what could've went wrong. Du-sik entered the room which broke my thoughts. "Hey y/n..."

"So that's it huh?" So I'm gonna die. Du-sik's voice broke as he was explaining to me how my heart was failing and all the medications weren't working. "Our whole team is looking for a match so we can make the transplant." "It's useless." Du-sik paused for a moment. He knew it wasn't easy to find a match for me within a month. "No, I promise we're gonna find one." "Don't give me false hope." I said laughing a bit to lighten  up the mood. I felt like shit. But I didn't want to waste others time on being sad for me. Everyone's dies at some point, mines just sooner than expected.

I walked out of my hospital room and decided to walk around to get my mind off of things. It was all going well until I saw my school uniform walking through the hallways. Wait isn't that Seojun? Oh fuck. I ran wherever I could trying to hide myself. There was no place to hide. Bro why is he here? I sprinted down the halls trying to look for a room I recognized until I found one. I walked through the room and I noticed someone familiar. "Mi hyang!" I ran over to her and gave her the biggest hug. "Hey y/n. Gosh what happened? You're back in the hospital again?" She looked at me all worried. "I'm good! I just came to visit." I said lying so I wouldn't worry her. "Well I was just about to head home, would you like to come with me? I made your favorites" "Really???" my eyes sparkled. "I would love t-" I stopped mid sentence as someone barged through the door. "Mom!" That voice sounds too familiar.. I turned around to see who was at the door. Holy fuck.



Out of all rooms he could've came in.

- sorry for the late update 😭😭 bro i have ZERO motivation to write but i think i'm getting back to it. lmk if there's anything i could add or if there's something i could improve on!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2022 ⏰

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