27. Remembering

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Phoenix POV

It's been 2 weeks since I woke from the coma and I've had to stay in hospital to do physiotherapy to help me start moving again because obviously when I was in the coma my muscles stopped working and deteriorated so I needed to strengthen them back up which has been hard.

Having my princess come and see me everyday has helped motivate me to do it and seeing my little man also inspires me to get walking and running again so we can play football in the backyard, my sister got her skin graft done yesterday so she's healing but she needs to keep going for checkups daily.

Jac told me yesterday that Maeve doesn't need daily checkups anymore either and that she is fully okay, they will still do tests and scan monthly or yearly depending on what Aaron decides is best. Today is home day for me and to say I'm relived is an understatement, I'm just tying up my shoe laces and there is a knock at the door.

Phoenix: Come in.

The door opens and in walks Brody and my little man who runs over to me, I smile and pick him up.

Duncan: Daddy!

Phoenix: Hi buddy!

I look at Brody and he smiles.

Brody: Jac asked me to pick you up as she's gone somewhere.

Phoenix: Did she say where?

Brody: It would've been Myla birthday today so she's gone to the cemetery to lay some flowers, she...

He lets out a deep breath but he is frustrated.

Phoenix: What is it?

Brody: She won't admit it or tell anyone but she's struggling, she's not grieved properly for Myla, she's scared the twins will be born early like little man here and she's on a mission to find Dario.

I look at little man who is playing with his toy car while I'm holding him, he looks up at me with his bright blue eyes like Jacqueline's and I smile and look at Brody.

Phoenix: Can you drive us to the cemetery, she doesn't have to do this alone anymore.

Brody: Of course.

I smile and Brody grabs all my stuff and we walk out and towards reception, I sign my discharge papers and we head off to see my princess. We pull up into the cemetery and it looks beautiful in the fall, I look at the church also and it looks beautiful, it gives me ideas.

 We pull up into the cemetery and it looks beautiful in the fall, I look at the church also and it looks beautiful, it gives me ideas

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