Zoe and I walked back to her Grandad's house...

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when she said, "you didn't have to do that, I know you'd probably rather stay at the yard." I shrugged. 

"It's alright. I didn't want you to be all by yourself. And I'm there every day, I'm sure Rosebud won't mind not seeing me every second of every day." I laughed as Zoe chuckled lightly. We entered the house and it was quiet. I followed her up the stairs and to the room, I assumed Zoe was staying in.

"Right, so. I say we start by finding some supplies here, sleeping bags, flashlights, blankets, then we can get some chips and anything else we might need." Zoe said. I nodded.

"Sounds good, lead the way!" I replied. Zoe smiled, walking back out into the hallway. She pulled open a wardrobe. 

"The flashlights should be in here, the sleeping bags might be in the attic." Zoe trailed off. We both jumped into looking for the supplies we need, meanwhile I kept coming across neat little trinkets and gadgets, not finding any torches. 

An object that did catch my eye was a worn-looking radio. "Oh, cool, is that your's?" 

"No, but we had the same one back home. We used to play it for our dog when he was sick, it helped him get better." Zoe explained. 

"You should bring this to Pin! For his sick moor pony. It might be a nice apology." I suggested. 

"It feels hopeless. He won't even let me within three feet of him." She sighed, but immediately lit back up again with an idea. "But you could bring it to him, he'll listen to you." I froze up for a moment. 

"Alright. I can bring it to him when you run to the store if you want." I said. 

"Ah thank you!" Zoe replied. 

"Looking for anything in particular?" Another voice spoke, the one of who I presumed was Zoe's grandfather. 

"Yeah, a flashlight, for a sleepover," Zoe responded. 

"So, Mia invited you, girls, to her sleepover too?"  A second voice popped in, Zoe's mum, as she walked by.

"Oh, no, it's with Becky, Luna, and Jade at Jade's house," Zoe explained, "I just figured cause Rosie's going to Mia's, I would be allowed." 

"Mmhmm." Zoe's mum hummed after a second. 

"Thanks, Mom!" Zoe called. 

"There ya go, one torch," Zoe's grandad said, "sorry, flashlight." He corrected, handing it to her. 

"Thank you!" I stood, following Zoe, having picked up the old radio and walking after Zoe back into her room. 

"So," she said, "you and Pin." I glanced at her, then back at the radio.

"Me and Pin?" I echoed. 

"Yeah, you know the one who works at Bright Fields, resembles a moody horse boy?" I laughed, lightly. 

"Yes, I do suppose I am familiar." 

"You mean you haven't noticed at all the longing glances and following you around like a lost puppy?" I snorted in response.

"He does not! I cannot think of a single time that has ever happened." I said, in hindsight, overly defensive. 

"He likes you! You should ask him out!" 

"Hah! No way! No. He doesn't and I can't." I stammered, looking to change the subject. Zoe smirked at me with an mmhmm type of look. "Can I borrow a jacket?" I blurted, "I think it's supposed to get chilly later." 

Zoe nodded, riffling through her closet to pull out Pin's hoodie. 

"Oh, that's Pin's." I mused. 

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