As soon as Zoe and I had meet up back at the yard...

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The bombardment of questions came pouring in from the group of three.

"So, I see he let you keep the sweatshirt, huh? What happened? What did you talk about? Did he give you a ride back?" Jade, Becky, and Zoe took turns rapid firing off. I laughed at the income of questions.

"He did let me keep it," I said, fidgeting around, "he said I looked good in it." I said, quietly, unable to hide my own gushing excitement. Zoe exclaimed suddenly, jumping up.

"Oh my god, he so likes you, Lu!" I was in awe of her genuine excitement even though I had still been getting to know her. My face grew warm as I swayed on my heels.

"I mean he was probably just being nice." I replied, biting at my nails. "Besides nothing happened, I just brought him the radio, he told me to tell you he forgives you, Zoe, then he gave me a ride back to the yard. That's it." I wrapped up nicely.

"Well fine, if you're so unsure, why don't I just text him and find out!" Zoe said. I could feel my feet moving faster than my brain allowed.

"You would not!" I breathed out, finding myself over at Zoe's side. She laughed, shaking her head.

"Okay fine, not but I'm sure I could find his Instagram." Zoe argued, opening the app.

"Oh please, he doesn't have Instagram." I laughed.

"That's so not surprising." Zoe mentioned before we dissolved into giggles. I nodded in agreement.

"Oh my gosh! Hot Marcus added you!" Becky suddenly exclaimed.

"He's so into you!" Jade added.

"The tension, I swear you could cut it with a knife." I added, deciding to poke into the fun.

"I mean, we all saw what happened when he handed you a flyer earlier. Your hands touched and BOOM! The sky opened and bolts of lightening came crashing down!" Becky said. The three of us leaned into dramatically, waiting for her answer. I watched as Zoe's face grew bashful.

"Fine. Yeah, BOOM." She grumbled, following him back.

"Perfect! Now you can get married, have five kids and a hamster and live happily ever after." Becky said.

"Five kids?" Jade asked.

"A hamster?" I added. Becky just shrugged, smiling. I yawned, covering my mouth, attempting to shake off my sudden wave of exhaustion.

"I'm exhausted." I mentioned after a few minutes.

"Me too." Jade yawned, pulling another yawn from me and chain reacting to Becky.

"One of us should keep watch." Zoe suggested. Becky volunteered to watch first. I settled into my borrowed sleeping bag, closing my eyes, letting sleep take over.

The next thing I knew, I was being shaken awake. I opened my heavy eyes to Becky frantically leaning over me. Startled, I winced at the sudden contact. There was a commotion that sounded both familiar and out of place at the same time. The other girls had woken up too and we moved together, clinging to the wall of the. A sudden noise startled us, as we shrunk down hiding behind a wall.

"You're doing really well, Maggie." A deeper voice we didn't recognize spoke.

"Mom?" Zoe called out as we popped up to see Ms. Phillips on a horse with none other than Mia's father, Elliot.

"Whelp, this is unexpected." Becky said, shuffling back a bit.

"What are you girls doing here?" Mr. MacDonald asked.

"What are you doing here? What is going on? Why are you riding?" Zoe demanded, rightfully upset. "The initials on the riding crop, M.S. Maggie Steel, that was you?"

"Look, Zoe, I can explain," She spluttered. To add to the situation, another voice suddenly made itself present.

"Um... what exactly is mom doing at your sleepover?" The younger, higher voice of Zoe's little sister said. My mind was moving quickly as more things started to reveal themselves. I could feel dread building in my stomach and spreading throughout the rest of my nervous system.

"Hey, maybe we should-" I started to speak. Raven's cries startled us, confirming that the horse thieves were here.

"Raven!" Zoe exclaimed in alarm, running after him. Without any hesitation, I followed. We reached the gate, spotting the people dressed in dark clothing attempting to get a hold on Raven. In a rush of adrenaline I didn't know I had, I was up and over the fence as Zoe called for someone to call the police. Zoe was behind me again as I reached them first, kicking the back of the first one's knee, watching as he tumbled to the grass. Zoe was suddenly on the back of another thief, struggling. They struggled for a few seconds before Zoe was pushed off their back, harshly hitting the ground.

"Zoe!" I exclaimed, moving towards her. A body blocked mine, shrouded in a black coat and ski mask, pushing me to the ground, harder than I had ever expected. I tried to stop myself from hitting the ground so hard but the person in front of me ensured I wasn't getting back up, kicking my chest back to the ground, knocking all the wind that has ever entered or exited my lungs from my body. My whole body felt as if it were deflating as my head hit the ground, making my vision go blurry.


Im making this one kinda shorter. Update soon! Don't forget to like/comment/share. Word count: 900

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