I'd managed to escape Pin for nearly the whole morning...

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turning to walk the opposite way, leaving the room, making a right fool of myself but I preferred it to a conversation with him while making a right fool of myself. 

Marcus picked up immediately on what I was doing, dragging me to a quiet corner to half tease, half reprimand me. 

"You're being silly." He said. I'd hinted at why I was avoiding him to which he once again said, "again, you are being silly. Just talk to him. Even if it's just to clear the air." 

I'd been making my way to the tack room as I saw Pin leaving the same room. I pivoted immediately, walking in the opposite direction. 

"Luna!" I had heard his voice call after me. I ignored it, walking faster. He didn't follow. A similar occurrence ensued when I walked Rosebud around the enclosed field. Pin had wandered out with Mia who nagged him as she normally did, making outrageous demands  while he carried a heavy box of tools. 

I placed myself directly next to Rosebud in a way that hid me from view, avoiding Pin once again. I of course had not missed the pained looks on his face in the moments he did happen to see me narrowly walking away from him and it caused a pit of guilt to settle itself at the bottom of my stomach, only growing as the day went on. 


Becky had occupied the conversation with pony prom while I sat quietly on the couch of the tack room, listening. I hadn't seen Pin yet and I had no intention of seeing him so long as I could possibly manage. For the last twenty-four hours, the image of us standing on my front porch while I misread every signal tossed my way, had been shuffling through on an endlessly painful loop. 

"Think prom, but with more ponies," Becky said, jumping around, "this one I call my Oh this old thing? dress." She added, holding up a bright and flowing yellow dress, "cost? Three pounds from a second-hand clothes shop. Wow, factor? ten out of ten." 

"Excited much?" Zoe asked, laughing. 

"It's the barn dance! We're gonna drink punch and eat mini burgers, and break into a big musical dance number that we somehow already know all the moves to," I laughed at her enthusiasm, happy to see her so excited. 

"Lu, you haven't shown us your dress yet!" Jade exclaimed. 

"Yeah, we want to see it!" Zoe added, smiling. I stood up, grabbing the cornflower blue dress I'd stashed on the rack that Becky had her dresses on. The dress I had picked was a poly chiffon material that had an a-line neck and was in layers that resembled subtle ruffles. I adored the pale baby blue fabric. I'd paired it with a white, pearly necklace loaned from Ellis. 

"Ugh that is so pretty!" Zoe exclaimed, smiling. 

"Oh my Bob you are gonna look horsesome!" Becky added. I smiled, shyly, swaying back and forth.

"It's perfect, Lu." Jade said. 

"Thank you." I gushed, smiling widely. 

"Pin is so going to regret not asking you to the dance." Jade mused. At his mention, a harsh hot flash struck me. Forever unable to hide the emotions on my face, the girls immediately knew something was up.

It took no less than 3 seconds for me to spill the events of last night. "And we were on the porch, I swear, swear, he was leaning in. I must be out of my mind." I ranted, frustrated with no one but myself. 

"And then what?!" Becky asked. 

"I apologized, went inside and proceeded to plan my escape to Canada." I said, adjusting my sling. 

"But you didn't even let him talk after," Zoe trailed off. 

"And stand there while he tells me that he's very flattered but is ultimately repulsed by the idea of me thinking he was going to kiss me? Pass." I said, huffing. 

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