ch. 20

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It's past midnight and Danny is still here. It's not like I mind, no I'm actually glad I have company but it is a bit weird.
After dinner he sat down on the couch and switched on the telly while I was doing the dishes.

When I was done I joined him on the couch and he promptly pulled me closer to him, wrapping an arm protectively around my waist.

That's the position we're in right now, and unfortunately my arm that's squeezed between our bodies is getting numb.

What the hell is wrong with you? Here's a guy who really cares about you, who actually likes to spend time with you and all you think about is your numb arm!?



"I asked if you were tired."

"Why would you think I wa- Oh." I eventually say when I realize I slid down Danny's arm and my head's now literally resting on his lap.

Don't move! My inner voice said.

"Maybe we should go to bed."

"We?" Danny shot back with an amused expression on his face.

"It's too late now, where you gonna go?"

I get no response. Instead, Danny gets up and holds out his hand.

"Where's your bedroom?" He asks with a smirk.

"Third door on the right." I state dryly and prepare myself for what's going to happen next.

We're gonna have sex again. He only wants sex from me. He doesn't see anything else in me other than-

"Stop it!" I yell out to the voices in my head and Danny turns around abruptly.

"If you don't wa-"

"Let's go to bed, yeah. I'm so tired I'm already hallucinating." I try to sound nonchalantly but Danny is still eyeing me as we enter my bedroom.

The next morning...

I slowly wake up to fluttery kisses being planted on my cheeks and nose. I refuse to open my eyes as I'm sure it's still too early.

"What time is it?" I mumble, clearing my throat in a quite unattractive manner.

Danny giggles next to me and I instantly feel bad for him. I probably look a mess.

"8:30." He replies with a sleepy voice.

I shot up and out of bed.

"I'll go make breakfast." I yell as I leave him alone in my bedroom.


"You want to get rid of me? So soon?" I hear him whisper in my ear.

He sneaked up on me, and although I had heard him approaching I tried to remain calm. Emphasis on the 'tried'.

"I could really use a good breakfast today." I offered as a reason for my weird behavior. Thank God he doesn't know I'm no breakfast person at all.

"I love a good breakfast, I just thought, you know, we would stay in bed a little while longer. Cuddle."

I turn around with a half shocked, half surprised look on my face. Apparently I was not expecting that response.

"Really? I'd love to do that but I have a meeting in an hour."

"Hmm. Okay. How about I wait here for you then?"

"It's your sister and she's coming over. Do could really want to be here when she arrives?" I ask dryly, as I place a plate full of scrambled eggs, ham and toast in front of him.

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