ch. 32

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It's officially our last day in the Bahamas and I'm alone in our hotel room.

I put up a fight when Danny announced he would be going shopping for me, so I have something to put on when we go dress shopping later.

"Can't we just order from room service? It was fine all of this time."

"No! I really want to go out with you. The driver told me about this little restaurant by the shore. He said it was very romantic." Danny announces.

"I just don't think I'll find something here. You know how picky I am with clothes!" I half-whisper.

"He also told me he'd take us to a boutique were you are guaranteed to find a beautiful dress."

"OK. Fine! But hurry, pick whatever and come back." I yell after Danny as he's leaving the suite.

Not knowing what to do with myself I decide to pack our suitcases.
We won't be needing much today and our flight tomorrow morning is at the crack of dawn.
At least that way I don't have to worry about packing when we return from our dinner.

When I'm done I lay down in bed, thinking how I'll have to go back to the real world by Monday.

The TV appearance. I still didn't find the right time to tell Danny.

Who am I kidding? The right time to tell him would've been when I first got the offer to do it!

My eyes grow heavy and I'm contemplating staying in bed for a nap. The air condition is off so I take off my clothes and remain just in my panties.

I must've fallen asleep because the next thing I know is I'm awakened by someone playing with my breasts.

"Danny, what are you doing?" I mumble in my sleepy state, praying to God it really is Danny.

I get no response though, so I'm forcing my eyes open to see a grinning Danny hovering over me.

At the sight of me his expression changes. His eyes darken, becoming laced with lust.

He picks me up, carrying me to the bathroom. The tub is filled with water and the heavenly smell of vanilla fills my nostrils.

Carefully he puts me in the tub and I observe him as he's slowly getting rid of his clothes.

Eventually he climbs into the tub with me, spinning me around and pulling me closer, so that my back is resting on his chest.

His hands wander around, cupping my breasts, his fingers lazily playing with my nipples.

I'm instantly aroused and a throaty moan escapes my lips. I can hear Danny chuckle behind me, and know he's going to make me wait for it.

He plants fluttery kisses at the back of my neck, while he takes his hands off my breasts and places them on my back.

I sigh when he begins to massage my neck, somewhat disappointed he's abandoning my breasts.
I reach out behind me to touch him, but my hand is being slapped away like a noisy fly.

"Uh uh. You don't get to do this yet." I hear Danny's amused voice.

I let him massage me for a couple more minutes, trying to come up with a good comeback. Which is hard if you're naked in the bathtub with your boyfriend giving you a rubdown.

"I think my back's fine now, but do you know what really needs some attention?" I say, spinning around to face him.

I see the desire in his eyes, it must be tough for him to hold himself back.

Smirking, I look down. There's too much soap to see anything, so I just go for it.

"Beginner's luck!" Danny whispers, as I'm grabbing his throbbing penis under the water.

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