ch. 29

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It's been a month since Emily and Glen went to New York.

Glen came back in time for the lads to hit the road again.

Emily returned a few days later, visibly relieved.

I didn't urge her to share any news with me, from the texts Glen had sent me occasionally I knew things had been going well.

I had faith in my sister that she would talk me whenever she was ready.

It's also a good sign she's looking into renting a place for herself and the kids here in London.

All in all I can say things are going smoothly.

Either that or it's simply the infamous calm before the storm.

So as I'm about to sit down on the couch with a cup of tea I made when I hear faint ringing coming from the bedroom.

I rush to get my phone before the call goes to voice mail and almost trip over some of my nephew's toy cars.

"Bloody hell!" I exclaim and chuckle to myself at how British I already sound.

Hello? I answer briefly as I dont recognize the number.


Yes, this is her.


Oh, wow.


I'd like to think about this for a bit. Can I call you back?


Great! Thank you very much. Bye.

Slowly I hang up the phone and stare at it. And because I don't know what to make of this I call Andi. Surely she'll have a good advice ready.

Hey Andi, what are you doing?

Lou! I was just thinking about you. Nothing much. Just finished some work.

I just got the strangest phone call ever!!!

Oh, good! Nathan called you!

Wait! How do you know about this?

I gave him your number. So? What do you say?

I don't know. Appearing on a talkshow?  That's a bit much.

Yeah, I know what you think but the topic is so fitting. He reached out to me and said he wouldn't give in until you agreed to do it. I think you'd be a real asset to the show.

I don't know...

It's a one-time thing. Think about it. It's bonus publicity.

I'd have to speak to Dan about this first.

Lou, listen to me. This is your life, your daily bread and butter. Your chance to show the world you're the real deal.

I know. It's just...

You don't like the extra attention to your person, is that it?

Yes! That and the fact that people will most likely start digging around about me.

And you're afraid of what they might say about you...?

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