CH1: Beginning of an Adventure!

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The Bullhead moved swiftly through the air, it's wings cut through the air as the airship's engines hummed behind it.

Within the Bullhead, it's cargo of future huntsmen and huntresses, each standing proudly, various weapons attached to their bodies, clad in clothes of bright colors such as blues, yellows, and reds.

Yes, these will be the future defenders of humans and Faunus alike, so full of pride, excitement, and-

"Ugh...I hate...airships..."

A 17 year old blond teen with azure eyes clad in yellow and white armor with a sword and it's hilt by his side said. Said 17 year old currently trying not to puke his guts out.

"Cheer up dear brother, look at it this way, you have motion sickness so you cherish the ground more."

Another blonde said beside him, but unlike Jaune, this blonde wore an intricate and distinctive armor, with grey metal and ominous green lights shinning through the various panels that lined the skeleton-like armor. A large, scaled cape made of the same metal that lined his armor and a large hood coming from the back of his head up towards his head. To the side of the taller and larger blond was a similarly distinctive staff, with a golden main body, sharp bottom, green wings adorning the top of the staff with a green orb that surged with ancient power atop the staff's head.

(He basically wears armor that looks like his Necron body, but without the face as he uses it as a mask)(Another note, he sounds exactly like he did in Battlefleet Gothic)___________________________________"Ugh

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(He basically wears armor that looks like his Necron body, but without the face as he uses it as a mask)
(Another note, he sounds exactly like he did in Battlefleet Gothic)
"Ugh...easy for you to say Zachary...I don't know how you don't get sick...urk." Jaune complained to Zachary.

"Well, it's quite my simple my dear brother, being a collector of many things has it's perks..." Zachary said as he held up a packet of motion sickness pills in between his metal-clad index and middle finger.

"And...ugh...where did you get that?"

"Well I bought it like a upstanding and morally correct citizen!" Zachary said with a smile.

Despite suffering at the hands of motion sickness, Jaune was still able to give a deadpan look at his brother.

"I'm not kidding, bought this a few days ago for the low price of 60 lien." Zachary said with an innocent smile.

"Ugh...fine...please give me one...before I actually throw up..."

"Alright, alright, here you go." Zachary said as he passed a pill and a bottle of water to Jaune.

As Jaune swallowed the pill and drank the water, Zachary meanwhile focused his cold blue eyes on two people.

"Oh I can't believe my baby sister's coming to beacon with me, this is the best day ever!" A blonde teen yelled as she held a smaller, red haired, teen in a crushing hug.

"Please...stop..." The smaller girl said as she was running out of oxygen.

"But I'm so proud of you!" The blonde said, letting go of the other girl.

"Really sis, it was nothing." The red head replied, blushing sheepishly.

"What do you mean? It was incredible! Everyone at Beacon is going to think you're the bee's knees!" The blonde said, her face in a proud smile.

"I don't want to be the 'bee's knees', okay? I don't wanna be any kind of knees! I just want to be a normal girl with normal knees." She replied.

As the discussion was going on, Zachary was analyzing the two girls.

'Hmm...two girls, presumably 14-18 years in age if their heights are anything to go by...Nothing showing what their semblances would be so that is something I should try to discover at a later date. Sisters? Strange, either they were born of different parents or adopted, another thing to take note of for later.' He analyzed, getting information that he could see.

'Personality wise, the seemingly older one shows to be more outgoing than her caped sister, who seems to be quite shy...hmm.' He continued.

'As for their weapons...' He thought, looking at the blonde first.

'Yellow gauntlets, seems to be mecha-shift, a cross between fists and shotguns if those rounds are anything to go by. Fighting style must revolve around up close brawling, hmm.' He thought, once again taking note.

'As for the red head...hmm, a sniper? Interesting, I am curious what other weapon it can shift into...'

'Hmm, if I'm able to get ahold of those, I'll be able to create copies and switch them with the real additions to the weapons collection in my museum...' He thought with a slight grin.

"Nope." Jaune said, startling Zachary from his thoughts.

"Hmm? I wasn't doing anything dear brother."

"You were going to steal their weapons, weren't you?" Jaune said with a blank face.

"You always misunderstand Jaune, I do not steal I acquire items. There's a difference dear brother." Zachary replied with a cocky grin.

"...I know you can copy and replicate weapons, why don't you just copy theirs instead of 'acquiring' them?

Zachary put up a hurt face while putting his had onto his chest plate.

"Oh dear brother! You hurt me, every archeovist worth their weight knows that copies are nothing compared to the actuals! But of course you ,and many others, don't share my views of preserving history sadly." He said dramatically, covering his face with his hands as if he was disappointed.

"...The only reason why you wanted to go too Beacon was to steal items, wasn't it?" Jaune asked with a sigh, shaking his head.

"Aquire don't forget that, and yes." He said cheekily.

Zachary then wrapped his metallic arm around Jaune while smiling.

"Don't you see dear brother? This is an extraordinary chance for the both of us! You get to fight the evils of Grimm, and I get to expand my ever growing collection! Doesn't that sound like an absolutely fantastic deal?" Zachary said excitedly, his ever present grin growing.

Jaune took one look at his brother before sighing dejectedly, head falling into his palms.

"This is the start of an absolutely fantastic adventure!"

Hello everyone! I'm back to writing, hopefully this won't end like my other stories. Anyway, I'm trying something different from the Isekai'ed Country genres to other genres. Hopefully I did a good impression of Trazyn the troll.

This story originally started because I read the 'Infinite and the Divine' book, and got me more hooked into my favorite faction, the Necrons. Trazyn was an absolute comedian in the book and has become my favorite Character in WH40K, so I hope I did him well.

Anyway, that's all for now, update schedule might be a bit...well, unscheduled, I will work on the book when I have time, so see you all again later!

- ParadoxAnomaly.

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