Chapter Forty-Eight

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Chapter Forty-Eight

"It's beautiful outside, Ell. Let's go out there and enjoy the breeze for a while."

Eleanor looked up from the blanket she'd been sewing and nodded. "That sounds nice. Bed rest is going to make me go completely insane."

Samantha smiled as she finished wiping down the counter to clean up the breakfast mess. "It will all be worth it when you're holding that little one in your arms."

Eleanor sighed, getting to her feet and stretching out her arms. "That's what I keep trying to tell myself."

Samantha laid her hand over her own stomach and felt joy swell her heart. She hadn't told anyone but she too was going to be a mother. A piece of her and Zachary was growing in her womb and Samantha had never been more proud. She had known for a few days but had kept the secret to herself. Zachary had already been so worried about leaving her—if he had known there was a baby he'd have never gone. And they couldn't live that way. They couldn't live their lives controlled by fear.

Still Samantha couldn't wait to see him riding back in tomorrow, throw her arms around his neck, and let him know he was going to be a father. Zachary Marston with his protective nature and his eagerness to take care of those he loved would be an amazing father.

Samantha gathered up Eleanor's sewing box and the blanket she'd been working on and carried them out to the porch whistling for Creed as she did so. The pup woke up from his nap instantly and leapt to his feet beneath the kitchen table before darting out the door with a happy bark.

"Maybe having a kid around will help Creed burn off some of that energy," Eleanor mused, stepping onto the porch and taking a moment to simply breathe in the fresh air.

Samantha knew bed rest had been hard on the woman. She had finally gained her freedom from life in a brothel only to be once again confined and unable to get out and do as she wanted. Samantha hoped her own pregnancy didn't put her in a similar situation.

"We can hope. That pup is wild for sure," Samantha replied as she helped Eleanor settle down in a chair and ensured the woman had everything she needed for her sewing within reach.

Creed went running through the yard chasing butterflies—or more specifically their shadows. The pup hadn't quite realized that the shadows were something he couldn't catch and his true quarry was floating along on the breeze above him.

"I need to go tend to the other animals," Samantha said as she ripped a loose thread from her brown skirt. "Do you need anything before I go?"

Eleanor laid her sewing box over her lap and shook her head. "I believe I'm all set."

Samantha nodded before going into the house, grabbing the spare rifle they'd left laying beside the sofa, and bringing it back out to rest against the wall beside Eleanor. "Just in case," she offered in response to Eleanor's questioning gaze.

"You and Zachary worry too much," Eleanor scolded.

Samantha shrugged, adjusting her gun belt around her hips. "Life has taught us there's no such thing as too much worrying," she admitted. Then she shrugged. "But we're trying."

"Fair enough."

Samantha stepped off the porch. "If you need anything just yell for me."

Eleanor grumbled under her breath. "I'm too independent for bedrest."

"Enjoy it while it lasts," Samantha replied. "Ranch living is a lot of hard work and you'll miss all this rest one day."

She was laughing lightly as she left Eleanor grumbling on the porch and made her way toward the barn. There were plenty of stalls to clean up, she needed to feed the chickens, collect eggs, tend to Athena, and then eventually get to washing the laundry that needed done and hang it on the line in the backyard.

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