Plan N Potion

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"Yeah, guys your dorms are that way," Doug said. Pointing in the opposite direction Veronica, Mal, Jay, Carlos, and Evie were going. They turned around and headed down the steps.

"Right," Veronica said as the five friends went the other way. Mal, Evie, and Veronica walked into their dorm room and looked around.

Evie looked at everything dreamingly and said, "This place is so ama-"

"Gross," Mal and Veronica finished in unison.

"I know right. Amazingly gross. Ew," Evie agreed.

"I'm going to need serious sunscreen. Veronica, Evie, close the curtains," Mal commanded the two girls. Veronica went to one curtain, Evie went to the other.

"Whew, that is much better," Veronica said. Mal nodded at her sister in agreement.


Mal, Evie, and Veronica walked down the hall to Carlos and Jay's dorm. Once they arrived, Veronica knocked on the door. Jay answered the let the girls in.

Veronica walked up to Jay and saw that he had lots of things on his bed.

"Where'd you get all this stuff?" Veronica asked, Jay, smirked in her direction.

"It's called stealing, it's like buying whatever I want. Except it's free," Jay replied. Mal walked over and stood in between Jat and her sister.

"You know, you can leave all this here and get it back when then villains take over," Mal said, in Jay's direction.

Veronica looked at her sister and said," Wow, Mal. You sound like mum."

Mal gasped and dramatically put her hand on her chest, "Thank you, Veronica!"

Carlos was playing a video game while Evie was checking her make-up.

"What are you playing?" Jay asked Carlos.

Carlos kept his eyes on the game and replied," Nothing much, just this awesome game. Wanna try?" Jay snatched the thing from Carlos and began to play the game.

"Guys! Do I have to remained you why we are here?" Mal shouted.

"Fairy godmother, blah, blah, blah. Magic wand, blah, blah, blah," Jay said, earning a chuckle from Evie, Carlos, and Veronica.

"This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents," Mal said seriously. Everyone fell silent and looked down, averting Mal's gaze." To prove that we are ruthless, vicious, and cruel. Yeah?

"Yeah," Everyone mumbled quietly.

"Evie, mirror me," Mal commanded.

"Mirror, mirror, in my hand. Where is fairy godmother's wand stand?" Evie questioned. The mirror showed a wand in a glass case.

"Zoom out," Veronica said.

Evie held the magic mirror closed to her mouth said," Magic mirror, not so close." The mirror zoomed out to show a globe.

"Well, we know it's on the freaking globe," Veronica said sarcastically, earning a snicker from her sister.

Evie sighed and said, "Closer. Closer. Closer."

"Stop!" Jay exclaimed.

"It's in a museum," Mal said.

I looked at the mirror and asked," Do we know where that is?"

Carlos typed something on his laptop and said," 2.3 miles from here."With that, Veronica, Mal, Evie, Jay ran out the door.

"Carlos!" Veronica hissed.

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